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Use an Application Gateway as Ingress and protect your AKS websites with a WAF

  • September 2, 2020
  • 5 min read
Cloud and Virtualization Architect. Florent is specializing in public, hybrid, and private cloud technologies. He is a Microsoft MVP in Cloud and Datacenter Management and an MCSE in Private Cloud.
Cloud and Virtualization Architect. Florent is specializing in public, hybrid, and private cloud technologies. He is a Microsoft MVP in Cloud and Datacenter Management and an MCSE in Private Cloud.

After the first article on how to deploy AKS we will check how to use an Application Gateway as an Ingress controller and a WAF. Why? To protect your websites 😊

To start, be sure to deploy your AKS cluster.

Now, you can deploy your Application Gateway, in Azure, with WAFv2 SKU:

Deploy your Application Gateway

Create a public IP for this WAF:

Create a public IP for this WAF

Create an empty backend pool (it will not be used, because of the integration as Ingress):

Create an empty backend pool

Create a routing rule1, with HTTP protocol (it will not be used, because of the integration as Ingress):

Create a routing rule1, with HTTP protocol

And the backend target (it will not be used, because of the integration as Ingress):

And the backend target

You will have this:


When the App Gateway has been deployed, go to your Azure AD, and get the name of your Service Principal:

Name of your Service Principal

Get the application ID, and create a new secret:

Get the application ID

Give to this Azure AD Service Principal, the Contributor right on the AKS Resource Group:

AKS Resource Group

Now, connect to your AKS Cluster:

Execute the following command, to apply the deployment template rbac:

Convert your Azure AD Service principal secret to base 64:

Now, create 2 files, with the following content:



And apply them:


Pods are now running:

Pods are now running

Pods are now running

Now, we will convert the following connection string, to base64:

Copy this code with your values and go to Paste it and click to Encode. And get the result:


Create a new file, 04-helm-config.yaml, and paste the code, by replacing values, with your own:

It’s time to apply this configuration, with helm:



The ingress pod has been deployed:

The ingress pod has been deployed

We will deploy a test application:

I created a DNS entry, starwind, that points to the public IP of my Application gateway. After few seconds, the deployment is finished on the Application Gateway:

I created a DNS entry

DNS entry - StarWind



Health probes

If you try to access your website, you should be able to see it:

Welcome to nginx

In the next article, we will protect this website, with a Let’s Encrypt certificate, directly generated by AKS.

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