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Alex Samoylenko
Alex Samoylenko
Virtualization Architect. Alex is a certified VMware vExpert and the Founder of VMC, a company focused on virtualization, and the CEO of Nova Games, a mobile game publisher.
Alex Samoylenko

VMware Cloud: What the Fuss is All About? Introduction

People working with hybrid infrastructures must know how tiresome it can balance the on-premises and cloud resources. If only there were an option enabling you to manage it as a single environment! Luckily, the new VMware vSphere release, VMware Cloud on AWS, has something to say.

Alex Samoylenko

Cloning Technology in VMware vSphere / Horizon: Full, Linked, and Instant Clones

Virtualization machines (VMs) have various use cases, each defined by the IT resources at hand and respective end-goals. VMware vSphere and Horizon offer three types of cloning when it comes to VM interoperability: full, linked, and instant cloning. Each type has its benefits but also takes its own toll on the system.

Alex Samoylenko

Managing VMware vCenter & ESXi License Keys with PowerCLI

More transparency, fewer hardware restrictions, freedom of choice, clarity of control, and immutability — that’s where backups are headed. Microsoft has been taking too long to adapt its ReFS to those consumer demands. Veeam and Linux, on the other hand, leverage those trends and offer immutability with reasonable freedom of object and cloud storage choice.

Alex Samoylenko

VMware vSphere: Time to Prepare for an Upgrade!

With new vSphere versions, it’s not just about one-click upgrades. There are various things an admin has to account for in good time. You need to consider the interoperability of other VMware products and other existing infrastructure components, which upgrade path to take, back-in-time upgrade threats, developing the upgrade plan, and necessary post-upgrade procedures.

Alex Samoylenko

vMotion Innovations in VMware vSphere 7.0 Update 1: Improved Performance & EVC for GPU

VMware introduced quite a good chunk of innovations this time: performance has been improved dramatically, memory pre-copy technology completely re-architected. But the true novelty lies in new Enhanced vMotion Capabilities (EVC) for GPU, making it a real powerhouse for intense workloads (graphic software, ML/DL-workloads, etc.)

Alex Samoylenko

What is VMware vRealize AI Cloud and How Does it Affect Data Center Optimization

VMware presented vRealize AI Cloud during VMworld 2020 as its next step in cloud automation. The tool is designed for automated performance optimization as part of the Self-Driving Data Center concept. As defined by the vendor, it’s meant to monitor infrastructure performance and apply machine learning to improve performance as workloads change.

Alex Samoylenko

Virtualized Environment Threats Today: What Does AMD Have To Say?

Cases like Meltdown and Spectre showed that minuscule flaws in hardware-layer security can become serious breaches in another person’s keen eyes. AMD’s SEV-ES and latest SEV-SNP exist to protect guest OS by encrypting all CPU register content. So, if your hypervisor is compromised, it won’t be able to access any guest OS data.

Alex Samoylenko

Protecting Enterprise Workstations with VMware Carbon Black

VMware Carbon Black is a next-gen cloud-native endpoint protection platform (EPP). This solution doesn’t only detect threats on the workstation level, analyze them in the cloud, and take action. It is a complex system for monitoring network connections and applications that exhibit abnormal activity, ensuring your desktop infrastructure security.

Alex Samoylenko

VMware vSphere 7: 10 Reasons Why

As a flagship of industry, VMware knows better than anyone a simple recipe for staying on top. If you want to grow, you need to keep going. The latest release of VMware vSphere proves this well enough. So, let’s take a look under the hood what exactly this new VMware vSphere 7 has to offer!