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Florent Appointaire
Florent Appointaire
Cloud and Virtualization Architect. Florent is specializing in public, hybrid, and private cloud technologies. He is a Microsoft MVP in Cloud and Datacenter Management and an MCSE in Private Cloud.
Florent Appointaire

[Azure] Azure Site Recovery with ARM – Part 1

Today we will see how to implement a DRP solution, with Azure Site Recovery. I’ll deploy this solution, based on the ARM. ASR can be used to migrate your VMs to Azure, from VMWare to Azure, etc. In my DRP plan, the service that I defined as critical for my business is a website. I’ll replicate this VM on Azure, with ASR. You can do the same work with a multi-tier application. In my architecture, I have a VPN S2S to Azure. Attached to this network who is connected to the VPN, I have a second domain controller, who is acting as DNS.

Florent Appointaire

[Azure Automation] Migrate your scripts to Azure – Part 2

I recently looking for Azure Automation, from top to bottom. It’s why, in the next 2 articles, we will see how to use this tool, from A to Z:

  • [Azure Automation] Interface discovery – Part 1
  • [Azure Automation] Migrate your scripts to Azure – Part 2 (this post)

Today, we will see how to migrate your On-Premises scripts, to Azure Automation.

Florent Appointaire

[Azure Automation] Interface discovery. Part I

I recently looking for Azure Automation, from top to bottom. It’s why, in the next 2 articles, we will see how to use this tool, from A to Z:

  • [Azure Automation] Interface discovery – Part 1 (this post)
  • [Azure Automation] Migrate your scripts to Azure – Part 2

Start with the first article.

Florent Appointaire

[Azure] Virtual Network Peering

On 28th of September, Microsoft has released the Virtual Network peering, in GA. This new functionality gives you the opportunity to connect 2 Virtual Network in Azure between them, by using the network of the Azure Datacenter. Bye bye VPN S2S between virtual network 🙂

Florent Appointaire

[Azure] Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment with Docker (ACS and ACR), Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio Team Services and GitHub

A major force of infrastructure today is the possibility to use CI/CD. Understand, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment. To resume, these technologies, give the possibility to your developers to create/modify their codes, send them to GitHub for example, build it with Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS), save it on you registry (Azure Container Registry for me), manage the versioning, always with VSTS, send it to your Docker Swarm cluster as container et to finish, access it through a simple web interface.

Florent Appointaire

[Azure] Container Service, how to start correctly?

Azure Container Service is a new technology, on Microsoft Azure, and that help you to deploy quickly and in production, with the ARM technology, a Docker cluster, orchestrated by Marathon and DC/OS, Docker Swarm, or Kubernetes to give your applications highly available, but also to deploy many nodes quickly and without any problems. In this article, I will use the Docker Swarm solution.

Florent Appointaire

[Azure AD] Passthrough Authentification and Single Sign On

Microsoft releases a new version of Azure AD Connect (previous was called DirSync) that help you to synchronize your on-premises Active Directory to Azure AD. 2 new functionalities appear with this new version.

Florent Appointaire

[Docker] Image2Docker: Bye bye IIS on Windows Server, Hello IIS on Windows Containers

Image2Docker is a tool to convert some Windows Server roles to Docker containers (on Windows, for sure). With this new version, it’s possible to extract ASP.NET website to run them in containers. To start, I created a VM with 3 ASP.NET websites.

Florent Appointaire

SCOM 2016 on Windows Server 2016 Server Core

After the first 2 articles on how to install SQL Server 2016 on Windows Server 2016 Server Core and SCVMM 2016 on Server Core too, we’ll continue with the next product, SCOM 2016. I take a look at the article of Tao Yang to do this installation. My SQL Server is already ready, so I’ll not speak about this in this article.