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Florent Appointaire
Florent Appointaire
Cloud and Virtualization Architect. Florent is specializing in public, hybrid, and private cloud technologies. He is a Microsoft MVP in Cloud and Datacenter Management and an MCSE in Private Cloud.
Florent Appointaire

Install SCVMM 2016 on Windows Server 2016 Server Core

In a previous article, I explained how to install SQL Server 2016 on Windows Server 2016 Server Core. Through this blog post, I’ll explain to you how to install SCVMM 2016 RTM, on a Server Core. This last version is compatible with SQL Server 2016.

Florent Appointaire

Install SQL Server 2016 on Windows Server 2016 Server Core

Because I have a small server at home, I try to win a maximum of space, for the storage and for the memory, by installing VM in Server Core. To note, it is very good for security/patches management. It’s why, after installing my Hyper-V host and my first domain controller, on Windows Server 2016, I tried to install the SQL on a Server Core. To start, I installed the VM and I added a second volume to store databases, logs and TempDb.

Florent Appointaire

[OMS] Create a new dashboard for your IIS servers

I’m currently discovering Microsoft OMS and it’s why, today, I’ll explain to you how to create your view in OMS, for IIS servers.

Florent Appointaire

WS2016: Start with Windows Containers

With the next release of Windows Server, 2016, who will be available during Ignite conference (end of September), a new feature will be released. It’s Windows Containers.

Florent Appointaire

Ubuntu: Manage your SQL Server from Linux

We will see how to install and use tools to manage your SQL Servers. We will use the version 13, who is compatible with Ubuntu. You can use these drivers from SQL Server 2008 to 2016, and it’s compatible with Azure SQL Database too.

Florent Appointaire

Ubuntu: Join a server to an Active Directory domain

Today, we will see how to join an Ubuntu server (version 16.04) to an Active Directory domain. It could be useful in case if you want that your administrators use their domain account to connect to servers, etc.

Florent Appointaire

Docker: Docker Datacenter in Azure

Docker Datacenter on Azure and AWS has been announced on Tuesday 21st, June 2016 at the DockerCon.

Florent Appointaire

[Azure] Custom RBAC roles

From December 2015, Microsoft has given the possibility to create your own RBAC roles. I will show you today, how to do this. To start, connect via PowerShell to your Azure RM subscription:

Florent Appointaire

[AZURE] Execute an Azure Automation Runbook from an ASP.NET website

I will explain to you today how to execute an Azure Automation Runbook through an ASP.NET website who is stored on a free Azure WebApp.

To do this, I will use Webhook from the Azure Automation Runbook. I used this article to understand how it works.