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Florent Appointaire
Florent Appointaire
Cloud and Virtualization Architect. Florent is specializing in public, hybrid, and private cloud technologies. He is a Microsoft MVP in Cloud and Datacenter Management and an MCSE in Private Cloud.
Florent Appointaire

[Azure] Upgrade an Azure Data Disk Used in AKS

Upgrading is necessary for smooth virtualization workload, as well as it is to compliance. However scrupulous and automated things may be, it can still happen that certain Azure disks in your Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) can be full, so the upgrade won’t be possible without some tweaking. Luckily, there’s a way to deal with that.

Florent Appointaire

[Azure DevOps] Add an Approval Workflow for Your Pipelines

Azure DevOps is a rich system that allows you to automate a great number of things from Apps to Azure Resources and many others via Azure Pipelines. Many of such workloads require approval. However, the GPU VM, to operate all this, will entail additional costs. To avoid that, you can use your own script to create an easy approval pipeline for your users.

Florent Appointaire

Move your Azure resources in CLI instead of using the portal

In addition to using Azure Portal, there is also the ability to migrate desired resources using CLI (command-line interface). This way, you can bypass the long waiting time for the Portal to perform validation and then enact the move. Instead, you can type in certain commands and start moving resources to another group, subscription, or region right away.

Florent Appointaire

No Active Directory for your AVD? Not an issue with Azure AD Join

Connecting Azure Active Directory (AD) joined VMs to Azure Virtual Desktop (VD) is a sure-fire way to simplify environment operation in your VDI. This way, you can skip your Azure VMs having line-of-sight of on-prem or virtualized AD Domain Controller (DC), deploying AD Domain Services, and sometimes its can even remove the need for DC entirely. Less complication, more efficiency.

Florent Appointaire

Publish an application with Azure Virtual Desktop

Deploying an Azure Virtual Desktop infrastructure (VDI) is only the beginning of the journey. Further, you’d need to provision applications to various users with varying authentication policies and rights. Don’t worry, the process is much easier than you might think: just a few clicks, and you’ll get the hang of it.

Florent Appointaire

How to Start with Azure Virtual Desktop

Azure Virtual Desktop is a cloud service for virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI). It allows you to set up a whole desktop virtualization environment in the cloud, without running any gateway servers. You can deliver OS capabilities, apps, and diversify your workload how you want, for as many users as you want in a cost-efficient and effective manner.

Florent Appointaire

Get Azure Key vault values from AKS

Keeping a secret is hard not only for humans but for computer systems, too. When it comes to security, keys, and secrets, there’s a myriad of threats that can target them. Microsoft has recently released a feature that allows getting secrets from Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) into an Azure Key Vault by simply using a driver.

Florent Appointaire

Deploy your AKS application with GitOps and Flux

Previously, we discussed how to integrate Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) clusters into Azure Arc. Having done that, the GitOps extension is already available there along with Flux. GitOps allows you to deploy Git apps from Git repositories to your AKS, and Flux is a toolkit for keeping AKS clusters in sync. They make a very useful combo.

Florent Appointaire

Enable Azure Arc for AKS

Azure Arc is a multi-dimensional management software that allows operating resources across multiple clouds, services, and environments. This year, Microsoft added the possibility to integrate Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) into Azure Arc. This also means that GitOps gets integrated, too, which makes managing, syncing, and running everything that much easier.