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Florent Appointaire
Florent Appointaire
Cloud and Virtualization Architect. Florent is specializing in public, hybrid, and private cloud technologies. He is a Microsoft MVP in Cloud and Datacenter Management and an MCSE in Private Cloud.
Florent Appointaire

Windows Defender ATP: Where to start

Securing servers and workstations and managing them directly from the cloud is a must-have during the current “stay-at-home.” Windows Defender ATP is a Microsoft security product to monitor and protect your servers without excessive effort. ATP constitutes a preventative, reactive, and investigative feature of the said product.

Florent Appointaire

[Azure] OMS Gateway Error

You’re not the only one struggling with ERROR GatewayLogic while trying to deploy OMS Gateway for Windows Defender ATP. The problem lies with the OMS Gateway having issues with communicating via the URL that’s provided. Looking into inbound connections on the OMS and authorizing URLs manually should do the trick.

Florent Appointaire

[Azure] Dedicated Hosts

With Azure Dedicated Host, you get the ability to isolate your compliance-related workload VMs, so that capacity isn’t shared to VMs catering to customers. You get a dedicated Hyper-V host that provides control over the mentioned workload separately, allowing to set the maintenance policies of the host. The service comes as a SaaS.

Florent Appointaire

Azure Cost Management

Having credits in Azure in advance is a great option that you choose how to unfold. You can invest in credits, allocate them to necessary features and tools, and set the billing. And to do that conveniently, Azure Cost Management is there to help. You can plan your finances, redistribute the billing, and see how cost-effective your choices are.

Florent Appointaire

Azure CDN to increase the user experience

Content delivery networks (CDN) cover a set of network servers distributed across farther areas. The idea is to have point-of-presence (POP) servers in edge locations. That way, you can cache your web application content in designated servers to have your users enjoy it at high bandwidth. Azure CDN is one such tool that can help you with that.

Florent Appointaire

AKS, where to start?

Using containers to host software processes or applications is starting to become more of a thing. They have the necessary binary code, executables, configuration files, and libraries but without the OS images. They’re lightweight, portable, have a more consistent operation. One has to start somewhere, and AZK is a great container orchestrator to help you with that.

Florent Appointaire

Change the Windows Admin Center certificate

We all can get too wrapped up in our daily work, chores, and thoughts. Often times, it results in us forgetting to renew stuff, like the Windows Admin Center certificate, for example. Luckily, renewing it and updating it in the WAC itself takes just a few moments.

Florent Appointaire

Setting Up a Free Azure Account

It’s always the hardest to start something but, once you do, it’s all downhill from there. Then again, you may need some encouragement and guidance to begin. Microsoft Azure is a multi-dimensional cloud service of a grand scale and getting to know it may seem intimidating. But there’s an option to start free to get the hang of it.

Florent Appointaire

Protect Your Azure WebApp With a Free Certificate

During Microsoft Ignite 2019, Microsoft, using the Public Preview mode, released the capability to protect your Azure Web App (your website) with a public trusted certificate.