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Florent Appointaire
Florent Appointaire
Cloud and Virtualization Architect. Florent is specializing in public, hybrid, and private cloud technologies. He is a Microsoft MVP in Cloud and Datacenter Management and an MCSE in Private Cloud.
Florent Appointaire
  • Florent Appointaire
  • November 12, 2019

Start with Azure Arc (Preview)

Azure Arc has been announced during Ignite 2019. This new service will help you to manage multi-cloud, your On-Premises environment, and your edge, like Azure Stack. You’ll connect your servers (physical or virtual) directly in the Azure console, to manage them from only one console. You’ll be able to apply RBAC, tags, etc.
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Florent Appointaire
  • Florent Appointaire
  • November 7, 2019

[Azure] SELinux error at boot for Linux

Sometimes, tinkering with configurations and commands can go awry. For example, when you’ve made some modifications to SELinux in a virtual machine (VM) in Azure. Suddenly, “Failed to load SELinux policy, freezing.” pops up. But don’t worry, we’ve got the cure.
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Florent Appointaire
  • Florent Appointaire
  • October 3, 2019

[Azure] Document your environment with Cloudockit

Seeing the full picture of how well your Azure is faring can be complicated. It can be quite problematic to consolidate its workloads visually into comprehensive documentation. Subsequently, the reports to customers on the cloud’s effectiveness can come out as too cumbersome. It can also be hard for your team and partners to assess its input into your business’ IT environment overall.
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Florent Appointaire
  • Florent Appointaire
  • September 26, 2019

[Azure] Deploy an Application Gateway to protect your Web Apps

In times when computing technology is moving by leaps and bounds, cloud migration happens quite often. While completely common, this process carries some dangers, such as web applications safety. It becomes an issue since you expose your sites publicly. However, if you move your servers to Azure, this won’t be a problem!
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Florent Appointaire
  • Florent Appointaire
  • September 19, 2019

ERROR_Access_Denied after joigning a VM to a domain

Everybody knows that access errors are the most irritating ones in any computer-related activity. They become even more confusing if the traditional means to get behind it won’t work. Say, you are trying to connect your VM to a domain, and you get this infamous “access denied” message? Don’t worry that this will bother you.
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Florent Appointaire
  • Florent Appointaire
  • September 12, 2019

[Azure] Execute commands in a VM through Terraform

There isn’t really much to say about Terraform and ways it can help you manage your environment that hasn’t been already said. However, highlighting its features does not limit to deploying resources in Azure or storing passwords for security measures. Time to find out how your working process can reach more efficiency!
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Florent Appointaire
  • Florent Appointaire
  • August 1, 2019

[Azure] Get a value in a Keyvault with Terraform

By default, if you want to deploy a VM on Azure with Terraform, you must give the username and password in clear in the variable file (see my previous article). But a solution exists, to secure all this. Just use an Azure Keyvault.
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Florent Appointaire
  • Florent Appointaire
  • July 30, 2019

[Azure] Deploy resources with Terraform

Currently, we are speaking a lot about IaC, Infrastructure as Code. That gives you the opportunity, to deploy an infrastructure, from 0, with code, without being a great developer (I assure you, me and the code, it’s not a great love story).
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Florent Appointaire
  • Florent Appointaire
  • June 20, 2019

[Azure] Windows Virtual Desktop – Publish Applications

Admittedly, the way of adjusting a novel piece of technology usually takes a few steps to make. The deployment and configuration of Windows Virtual Desktop are finished, but what to do next? First things first, you have to know the basics, in this case – deploying applications.
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