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Florent Appointaire
Florent Appointaire
Cloud and Virtualization Architect. Florent is specializing in public, hybrid, and private cloud technologies. He is a Microsoft MVP in Cloud and Datacenter Management and an MCSE in Private Cloud.
Florent Appointaire

[Azure] Windows Virtual Desktop

Application virtualization services, despite a lot of benefits, are not always able to rival SaaS platforms. Or at least, it used to be the case before the public preview of Windows Virtual Desktop. The latter is a desktop and app virtualization service employing simplified management, multi-session Windows 10, Office 365 ProPlus optimization, and RDS environments support. Learn how to utilize this novelty in a few clicks!

Florent Appointaire

[Azure] Host a static website in Azure, with reduced cost

Do you have a website with static pages to host and look for a cost-efficient solution? We have good news for you since Microsoft released a hosting on an Azure storage account. Azure immediately wins Adios IIS/Apache servers, because the latter are expensive in resources and maintenance. Don’t pay over the odds!

Florent Appointaire

[Azure DevOps] Terraform deployment with Azure DevOps – Part 2

Everything that needs to be said about the importance of project management automatization and workflow organization has already been said. You have learned how to create your first Azure DevOps build with a Terraform file, so now it is time to finally learn how to automatize your Terraform resource deployment with Azure DevOps.

Florent Appointaire

[Azure DevOps] Terraform deployment with Azure DevOps – Part 1

Project management and automatized workflow are the milestones of any business, but small companies often have neither resources nor the experience to build them from scratch. That is when Azure DevOps enters the scene! This guide lets Terraform users learn how to optimize their workflow with Azure.

Florent Appointaire

[Azure] Create a PowerApps application for a SharePoint list

PowerApps is a corporate service that allows you to create, connect, and share business applications with your team. This happens in minutes and from any device. With PowerApps, you not only optimize the work of your team but also contribute to the implementation of innovative ideas in business activities. And guess what? You can create a PowerApps application by yourself for a SharePoint list. Have no idea how?

Florent Appointaire

[Azure] Call an Azure Function webhook from an automated Flow and a SharePoint list

A webhook is a method of extending or changing the behavior of a web page or web application using custom callbacks. In the case of SharePoint, webhooks allow you to track all changes that are on the site as well as receive notifications about specific events. With Azure Functions, you can host your SharePoint webhooks in a romp!

Florent Appointaire

[Azure] Create a user with Azure Function

It is never superfluous to provide an extra level of protection for your data and privacy in management. The Microsoft platform allows users to register and manage their applications, have a set of identifiers, and access their data 24/7. Creating a user with Azure Function will allow you to secure your data and provide private access to applications. Ensure information privacy right now!

Florent Appointaire

[Azure] Migrate your IIS websites quickly and easily

Migrating sites to the cloud can be quite troublesome. For such cases, Microsoft introduced the Windows Site Migration Tool. This is a program that can collect the necessary information about a website hosted on IIS, analyze it, and then automatically transfer all settings, files, and even the database directly to the Microsoft Azure cloud. Make sure that the migration of the sites is really easy and can be completed within a few minutes!

Florent Appointaire

[Azure] Migrate your SQL Server databases quickly and easily, with near 0 downtime

The latest technology allows moving as separate databases and log files and the entire system. In this context, speed, ease, and lack of downtime are critical factors for the success of this process. How to ensure them and not to get lost in a variety of options for migrating SQL Server databases to Azure?