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Karim Buzdar
Karim Buzdar
IT Engineer and Technical Author. Karim is specializing in Linux, he is a prolific blogger who writes for various websites.
Karim Buzdar

Upgrade from Rocky Linux 8.x to Rocky Linux 9.0?

Rocky Linux is one of the most popular Linux distros out there. Developed by Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation, it is a binary-compatible release that uses the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system source code. Its latest release is supposed to be installed from scratch on a separate machine. However, there are ways to remedy that.

Karim Buzdar

How to install iTOP IP Address Management Tool in Linux

Modern businesses deal with an ever-growing amount of systems and networking devices, which, in turn, deal with an insane amount of IP addresses. Keeping track of such IP addresses is a real problem. iTOP Combodo has a useful piece of software that’s been developed just with these problems in mind.

Karim Buzdar

How to Install and Use Osquery on Ubuntu and Linux Mint

Osquery is an open-source security compliance agent. It uses SQL to leverage a relational data model to describe a device. It’s great at providing all the contextual OS-related information you need in a simple, visually appealing form. Osequery is an all-time favorite compliance tool that is pleasant to use and great for security hardening.

Karim Buzdar

How to install and use R and RStudio in Linux

R is the name of a programming language, often used alongside Python, for statistical computing and graphics. It’s frequently utilized by data analysts and data miners to develop statistical software and data analyses. R can be used independently or within an environment, RStudio, a free open-source integrated development environment for R.

Karim Buzdar

How to install and use DBeaver in Linux

DBeaver is an open-source, free multi-platform database management software. It’s also an SQL client for developers and database administrators that has a user-friendly UI. It can be used as an alternative for MySQL-Workbench and PGAdmin to work with various databases, like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Greenplum, and others.

Karim Buzdar

How to install and use Talend Open Studio in Linux

Talend is an open-source Big Data integration and management cross-platform application for Linux, Windows, Mac, and Solaris. Talend helps effortlessly transform large amounts of raw data into business insights, as well as automate relevant tasks to help manage and turn that data for the best benefits for your business.

Karim Buzdar

How to Setup Multi-Factor Authentication for SSH in Linux

Cybersecurity threats increase by the day, especially, with the widespread adoption of remote work. To reduce compromise odds, you can add multi-factor authentication to any applications that require logging in. Adding a token-based security layer, for example, to your Linux SSH will boost your chances against threats via the network.

Karim Buzdar

How to integrate a Linux system with Windows Active Directory

There are many cases that may entail meeting points between Windows and Linux environments. Such may involve enrolling Linux systems into a Windows domain, configuring a Linux domain as a peer to the Windows one, or simply copying information between them. Whatever your goal is, we’ve prepared a clear guide on how to join the two.

Karim Buzdar

How to Setup Nextcloud with LAMP on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Looking to set up a remote office? NextCloud is an open-source solution that simplifies access to necessary data and secures it on your personal cloud-based workspace. You can sync, access, and share that data fast among your chosen devices. No more need to worry that files are out of reach or outdated anymore.