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Mikhail Rodionov
Mikhail Rodionov
Mikhail is IT engineer focusing on applications and infrastructure support domains. He works closely with K2 platform and Microsoft technology stack and holds number of certifications from these software vendors.
Mikhail Rodionov

Deploying Django Project to AWS Elastic Beanstalk

In this blog post, we will talk about getting your Django project deployed to Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform. There are different ways you can do that with AWS: one is deployment to EC2 instance running Linux (you just connect to it over SSH and work with Linux server directly), and the other one is deployment to Elastic Beanstalk. The first scenario is close to simple project setup on a local Linux machine with some extra steps involved – for that you can refer to my previous posts which cover most of the steps involved. In this post, we will focus on Elastic Beanstalk deployment scenario, going through all the steps involved in this process when it is performed from Ubuntu.

Mikhail Rodionov

How to Install Django on Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS – Part 3: Configuring Django to use PostgreSQL database

Creating apps in Ubuntu that will work seamlessly on different platforms may seem like quite the challenge. Nonetheless, with the right knowledge, you can manage that like a pro. By installing Django on Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS and configuring it to use PostgreSQL (which is focused on SQL standards compliance), you can now easily build apps there using heterogeneous databases.

Mikhail Rodionov

How to Install Django on Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS – Part 2: Configuring Django to use MySQL database

You have probably already covered the basics of Django installation on Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS. This framework now is ready for the ride, but, as you know, there’s always room for improvement. If you have a little interest in using default SQLite database option, then it’s time to opt for better!

Mikhail Rodionov

How to: Install Django on Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS – Part 1 Development environment installation

In times of need, a web framework comes really in hand, since it allows automating web applications running processes as much as it is possible, but there is always a fly in the ointment. In this case, it is an amount of resource required to access re-usable modules which any web site may need. However, unlike a lot of its counterparts, Django web framework provides you with connection and enabling these modules on as needed basis!

Mikhail Rodionov

Installing Flask on Ubuntu

Everybody who knows the difference between a standard web framework and a microframework realizes that you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs. What the latter wins by simplicity and speed it compensates with the lack of functionality. However, if you value a lightweight framework more than everything else, Flask microframework written in Python is your go-to choice.

Mikhail Rodionov

Configuring Ubuntu Server GUI remote access – Part 1 – Basic Options

Anyone experienced in working with AMP stack on Ubuntu Server 18.04.02 realizes that this novelty, like any other, has its pros and cons. If you are used to convenient and useful Hyper-V enhanced session features, it may seem as though you have lost a shilling and found sixpence. Don’t worry, with Ubuntu Server GUI remote access you can have your cake and eat it.

Mikhail Rodionov

Installing AMP stack on Ubuntu Server 18.04.2

Websites serving a large number of requests or providing services require high uptime. Here AMP (Apache, MySQL, and PHP) stack comes. It performs a logical pooling of resources, distributing workloads across multiple servers. So, with AMP stack you receive improved performance and high availability (HA) of your services.

Mikhail Rodionov

SQL Server FILESTREAM – Giving a bit of structure to your unstructured data

A database (DB) management system is vital for any infrastructure. To control your data and protect it, you need to keep it organized. However, having a tool doesn’t mean knowing how to use it, so find out how to structure originally unstructured data using SQL Server FILESTREAM feature.

Mikhail Rodionov

Migrating K2 database to a different SQL Server instance – how to copy SQL Server instance Master Key

You may have different reasons for moving the K2 database to a new SQL server instance. But there are mandatory steps you need to follow to complete this action successfully. You need to backup and restore all the data of the K2 database to a new SQL Server instance, do encryption/decryption operations, and many other things. But how can you protect your data and ensure minimum downtime?