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Nicolas Prigent
Nicolas Prigent
IT Production Manager. Nicolas is primarily focused on Microsoft technologies, he is a Microsoft MVP in Cloud and Datacenter Management.
Nicolas Prigent

Getting started with Adaptive Cards in Teams

The post-covid world has marked significant changes in many organizations’ work, urging companies to rely more on distance communication between employees. Microsoft Teams is one of the most popular tools to maintain coordinated work, and it has a lot of useful functionality to offer, such as Adaptive Cards.

Nicolas Prigent

Introduction to Azure Bicep

Azure Bicep is a declarative Infrastructure-as-Code language for deploying Azure resources. There are various ways to deploy them, via Azure Portal, ARM Template, Azure CLI, Azure PowerShell, Terraform, and other means. However, unlike Azure Resource Manager Templates, Bicep is very intuitive and understandable even for non-programmers.

Nicolas Prigent

Serverless platform with Azure Container Apps

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is constantly expanding. It might seem overwhelming to a beginner or redundant to a pro, but Azure Container Apps, actually, introduces simplicity. If you want to test out applications or are not skilled in AKS, the new service allows you to deploy containerized apps without complex infrastructure.

Nicolas Prigent

Using Azure Data Explorer to store Microsoft Sentinel logs

Azure Data Explorer is a powerful software for real-time analysis of large volumes of streamed data. However, it can be used for data storage as well, and it’s cheaper than Microsoft Sentinel. Additionally, the service is useful if you want to query logs with Kusto Query Language (KQL), which is also available for Azure Log Analytics.

Nicolas Prigent

Move Microsoft Sentinel Logs to Azure Storage

You may need your Sentinel logs in long-term retention based on government requirements. Azure Log Analytics starts charging for such retention after 90 days have elapsed. However, you can use a Playbook that creates an Azure Storage account and, after 90 days, automatically moves such logs to cold storage to avoid retention billing.

Nicolas Prigent

Automate Microsoft Sentinel Playbook Deployment using Azure DevOps

Microsoft Azure Sentinel is a wide-range cloud-native security and event management service. There’s a variety of ways to manage and automate its services. One of such methods is infrastructure as code, where you can automate how Azure Sentinel will respond to alerts and incidents using a Playbook and Azure DevOps.

Nicolas Prigent

Azure NetApp Files Overview

Azure NetApp Files is akin to cloud-based shared storage for performance-intensive and latency-sensitive applications. It leverages both SMB and NFS protocols, so it’s applicable for both Windows and Linux. The service is designed to migrate and run your most demanding, complex, file-based applications in the cloud with no code change.

Nicolas Prigent

How to Start Azure DevOps Releases Using PowerShell?

Release Pipelines in Azure DevOps is incredibly handy for your entire software delivery. While Azure DevOps has various automation features for projects within, you can also automate various tasks regarding Azure DevOps itself. There are many ways to start your release, and today show you how to run your release through PowerShell.

Nicolas Prigent

How to Backup Virtual Appliance with Azure Backup?

Virtual Appliance is a broad concept. It could include Firewall, Scanner, Network VM, and a lot of other virtualized instances. Primarily, to back that up, you need snapshots, and backing up a Virtual Appliance in Azure wasn’t quite user-friendly before. Now, however, you can perform all the necessary actions smoothly, in a matter of a few clicks.