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Nicolas Prigent
Nicolas Prigent
IT Production Manager. Nicolas is primarily focused on Microsoft technologies, he is a Microsoft MVP in Cloud and Datacenter Management.
Nicolas Prigent

Using Graph API with Azure Logic Apps

There isn’t always time or possibility to mess with scripts. Thanks to Azure Logic Apps, you can automate and orchestrate your infrastructure or application deployment without writing a single line of code. And Microsoft Graph can be used to assist with exposing REST APIs and client libraries to access data on a wide set of Microsoft 365 services.

Nicolas Prigent

Azure Front Door Overview

Azure Front Door, a scalable and secure entry point for web applications and global HTTP(s) load balancer, has been available in GA over a year now. To that end, you can use the tool for multiple versatile scenarios. Use it, for instance, with Web/Mobile Apps, Cloud Services, and VMs – or combine it with on-prem services for hybrid deployments and smooth cloud migration.

Nicolas Prigent

How to Start Azure Virtual Machines using Azure Logic Apps?

You can’t have it all, and this is true even for the best things in life. It’s possible to schedule automatic shutdowns of VMs in Azure (one of the ways to cut Azure costs). But you can’t use the same Azure Portal to schedule their automatic boot-up the same way. A way out of it is to use PowerShell, however, there’s another trick you might like better.

Nicolas Prigent

How to Manage multiple Azure tenancies with Azure Lighthouse?

Working for an MSP demands a lot of toggling between browsers. For each separate tenancy, managing Azure resources demands multiple browsers and tabs. Thankfully, this turmoil has been solved: Azure Lighthouse comes to save the day. You can now allocate customer Azure resources and manage permissions from a single console!

Nicolas Prigent

What is Azure Private Link (Preview)?

Bypassing conjunctions with public networks is easier said than done. Especially, if your endpoints are in faraway regions or even have different tenants, keeping the bandwidth high and cybersecurity tight can be an issue. Microsoft introduced Azure Private Link specifically for that reason, allowing users to create private endpoints within their virtual network.

Nicolas Prigent

Sharing Data Using Azure Data Share

There isn’t always time or reason to remake data into convenient presentations, complications, and other content. Sometimes, you just need to get the job done quickly and effectively. Microsoft has thought about it and, now, you can easily control what you share, who receives your data, and on what terms with a single tool.

Nicolas Prigent

Sign in to Virtual Machine in Azure using Azure Active Directory Authentication

Online activities using malware and viruses increase exponentially every year. Even the smallest mishaps in cybersecurity policies may result in substantial damage. Therefore, who / how / and the way someone accesses your virtual machines is also important. Fortunately, Microsoft created a tool that allows using Azure RBAC and AD Conditional Access to control all of that. Read the guide by Nicolas Prigent, a Swiss Systems Engineer, to learn how to use Azure Active Directory to sign in to your VMs so that other Azure security tools are involved in the process.

Nicolas Prigent

Getting Started with Microsoft Graph Explorer

Managing queries across various Microsoft 365 services can be somewhat challenging. The interaction across these applications in your cluster should be prioritized to ensure smooth workload. One handy tool to do that is Microsoft Graph Explorer, which exposes REST APIs and client libraries to access data on the aforementioned services.

Nicolas Prigent

Monitoring Microsoft Teams using PowerShell Universal Dashboard

Microsoft Teams is set to supersede Skype for StaffHub and Business. It’s a powerful tool in itself, so knowing how to make the most of it is crucial for managing your workload organically. Luckily, PowerShell Universal Dashboard can help you monitor your Microsoft Teams Cloud call queues as if they were on the palm of your hand.