StarWind is a hyperconverged (HCI) vendor with focus on Enterprise ROBO, SMB & Edge

Benchmarking Backup Appliance with GRAID based on StarWind SAN & NAS

  • April 13, 2022
  • 17 min read
StarWind DevOps Team Lead. Volodymyr possesses broad expertise in virtualization, storage, and networking, with exceptional experience in architecture planning, storage protocols, hardware sourcing, and research.
StarWind DevOps Team Lead. Volodymyr possesses broad expertise in virtualization, storage, and networking, with exceptional experience in architecture planning, storage protocols, hardware sourcing, and research.


StarWind has just announced that GRAID SupremeRAID – the world’s first NVMe-oF RAID card – has become part of its StarWind All-NVMe Backup Appliance. However, to better understand why it’s such a big deal and what the implications of the cutting-edge GRAID technology are, we first need some context.

Everybody knows that even though not a backup solution per se, RAID technology is quite regularly used on servers recording data backups. For decades RAID arrays have been used to protect data from failure. After all, while you were working with HDD, a single RAID card is pretty much enough since you couldn’t have probably gotten more I/O than it could’ve handled. However, despite once being an uncommon option, NVMe SSDs have become the new black. Now, these can deliver around one million IOPS per single card, which is why trying to handle one using traditional RAID system configuration will probably result in the most massive performance bottleneck you have ever seen.

That’s why the situation is quite ironic. While the NVMe SSDs can reach the highest performance levels possible today, there is just no way to secure them with a shared storage environment. Hardware options (RAID controller) are limited to a few disks maximum, and software alternatives can’t reach the top of NVMe’s potential performance either. From the looks of it, it seems that this is one of those cases when you can’t have your cake and eat it too. Enterprises and businesses now face a less than pleasant situation since there’s no possibility to tap into the full potential of the NVMe SSD performance without sacrificing their data security in exchange. Or is there?

StarWind SAN & NAS is designed to enable you with repurposing the existing hardware running industry-standard hypervisor into high-performing storage. Essentially, it turns the server with internal storage into a redundant storage array presented as NAS or SAN. Of course, a regular RAID array still can’t match the NVMe performance, but GRAID Technology SupremeRAID™ SR-1000 surely does.

The world’s first NVMe RAID card to deliver maximum available NVMe SSD performance is a plug & play solution with Software-Composable Infrastructure (SCI) that provides you with high performance and removes performance bottlenecks altogether. A working Backup Appliance configuration with GRAID Technology over StarWind SAN & NAS can arrange your NVMe into shared storage while you’re enjoying the highest level of IOPS and throughput you can get.


Assembling a working Backup Appliance prototype based on StarWind SAN&NAS is only half of the job. Our primary goal here is to benchmark this prototype’s performance for different scenarios with the best hardware we can get. Within the scenario for SMB, the backup repository is presented as an SMB share. In the case of iSCSI, it’s a disk connected via iSCSi protocol to the VM containing Veeam Backup & Replication (VBR). As for the Linux node, the backup repository is presented as a catalog on the remote Linux host (in this here case, it’s StarWind SAN&NAS, obviously).

Benchmarking Methodology, Details & Results

The VM with StarWind SAN&NAS, containing 5 NVMe (Intel Optane SSD DC P5800X) and GPU NVIDIA Quadro T1000, has been transferred to the backup-node. Thanks to GRAID NVMe, these were arranged into the RAID5 array, which will serve as the backup repository. Furthermore, 2 VMFS datastores were built over 2 NVMe (Intel Optane SSD DC P5800X) on the compute-node to contain VMs for backup/restore operations. We are going to use Veeam Backup & Replication as a backup solution (VM containing Veeam Backup & Replication has been deployed on the compute-node). ESXi hosts, VBR VM, and StarWind SAN&NAS VM connect with each other within the 100GbE network.


VM with StarWind SAN&NAS | GRAID NVMe

VM with VBR:

For the backup/restore operations, VBR uses the Backup Proxy role. This one is installed by default along with the VBR, but you can additionally deploy/transfer it to the other VMs, if necessary. VM with the Backup Proxy role should be deployed on the ESXi hosts with direct access to the ESXi datastores within which we plan to perform our backup/restore operations (here it’s the compute-node and DS Optane – 01,02). Thanks to this, we were able to use the “hotadd” technology instead of “nbd” and reduce restoration time by 5 times. Since the chosen scenario doesn’t require us to use the additional VM for the Backup Proxy role, the VM with VBR goes straight to the compute-node.

“hotadd” & “nbd”:

If the Backup Proxy role is on the backup-node, “nbd” is used. Restoration time – 335MB\s.

Restoring VM

If the Backup Proxy role is on the compute-node, “hotadd” is used. Restoration time – 2GB\s.

Restoring Hard disk 1

Benchmarking Methodology:

For all three configurations, we are going to measure the performance time for the following operations:


  • 1 VM – 1 backup job;
  • 10 VMs – 1 backup job;
  • 10 VMs – 10 backup jobs;


  • 1 VM;
  • 10 VMs simultaneously;

Instant recovery:

  • 1 VM (time from the beginning of the job to the downloading of the VM into the Login screen);

For benchmarking, there will be used 10 identical VMs with Windows Server 2019 and 50GB virtual disk:

VMs with Windows Server 2019

To get the information about the throughput, we are disabling deduplication, compression, etc:

Advanced Settings

Testbed architecture overview:

Hosts’ parameters:


Supermicro (SYS-220U-TNR)
CPU Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8352Y @2.2GHz
Sockets 2
Cores/Threads 64/128
RAM 256Gb
Storage 2x Intel® Optane™ SSD DC P5800X Series (400GB)
NICs 1x ConnectX®-5 EN 100GbE (MCX516A-CDAT)
OS VMware ESXi, 7.0.3, 18644231


Supermicro (SYS-220U-TNR)
CPU Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8352Y @2.2GHz
Sockets 2
Cores/Threads 64/128
RAM 256Gb
Storage 5x Intel® Optane™ SSD DC P5800X Series (400GB)
GPU 1x Nvidia quadro T1000
NICs 1x ConnectX®-5 EN 100GbE (MCX516A-CDAT)
OS VMware ESXi, 7.0.3, 18644231

VMs’ parameters:

StarWind SAN&NAS
vCPU 16
RAM 16
OS Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS
GRAID 1.0.6-126
Samba 4.13.14
Veeam Backup & Replication
vCPU 16
RAM 16
OS Windows Server 2019

Benchmark results:

For starters, let’s establish the performance of the storage wherein the backups will be stored:

  1 NVMe RAW GRAID raid5 (5 NVMe) RAW Comparison
pattern numjobs iodepth IOPs MiB\s lat (ms) numjobs iodepth IOPs MiB\s lat (ms) IOPs MB\s lat (ms)
read 1M 1 2 7034 7034 0,28 1 4 13500 13414 0,30 191,92% 190,71% 104,23%
1 8 21900 21914 0,36 311,34% 311,54% 128,17%
1 16 27400 27443 0,58 389,54% 390,15% 205,28%
write 1M 1 2 4730 4730 0,42 1 4 3296 3296 1,21 69,68% 69,68% 287,20%
1 8 4788 4788 1,67 101,23% 101,23% 395,73%
1 16 4787 4787 3,34 101,21% 101,21% 791,47%


      GRAID raid5 (5 NVMe) RAW GRAID raid5 (5 NVMe) + XFS Comparison
pattern numjobs iodepth IOPs MiB\s lat (ms) IOPs MiB\s lat (ms) IOPs MB\s lat (ms)
read 1M 1 4 13500 13414 0,30 13300 13312 0,30 98,52% 99,24% 101,01%
1 8 21900 21914 0,36 21700 21709 0,37 99,09% 99,07% 101,10%
1 16 27400 27443 0,58 27300 27238 0,59 99,64% 99,25% 100,51%
write 1M 1 4 3296 3296 1,21 2699 2699 1,48 81,89% 81,89% 122,11%
1 8 4788 4788 1,67 3821 3821 2,09 79,80% 79,80% 125,27%
1 16 4787 4787 3,34 4656 4656 3,44 97,26% 97,26% 102,84%


For all three scenarios, we are going to benchmark the Duration parameter (in the case with 10 jobs, the average value will be applied):

1 VM – 1 Job SMB iSCSI Linux node
Duration: 0:02:47 0:03:07 0:02:33

StarWind SAN&NAS storage usage:

StarWind SAN&NAS storage usage

We can see for ourselves that even though, in the case with SMB, the storage is facing a bigger load, duration also drops by 12 sec compared to the Linux node and 51 sec compared to the iSCSi. Nevertheless, the time required per 1 job for SMB is 14 sec longer than for Linux and only 20 sec less than for iSCSI.

10 VMs – 1 Job SMB iSCSI Linux node
Duration: 0:11:16 0:18:31 0:10:15

StarWind SAN&NAS storage :

StarWind SAN&NAS storage usage 2

SMB – CPU usage:


SMB - CPU usage

StarWind SAN&NAS VM:


iSCSI – CPU usage:


iSCSI - CPU usage

StarWind SAN&NAS VM:


Linux node – CPU usage:


Linux node - CPU usage

StarWind SAN&NAS VM:


10 VMs – 10 Jobs SMB iSCSI Linux node
Duration (avg): 0:04:57 0:05:22 0:04:19

StarWind SAN&NAS storage usage:

StarWind SAN&NAS storage usage

SMB – CPU usage:


SMB - CPU usage

StarWind SAN&NAS VM:


iSCSI – CPU usage:


iSCSI - CPU usage

StarWind SAN&NAS VM:


Linux node – CPU usage:


Linux node - CPU usage

StarWind SAN&NAS VM:


Admittedly, while the Linux node scenario appears to be the fastest, the iSCSI scenario seems to be the slowest one. Nothing is surprising about it, though, since in the case with the Linux node we are dealing with the minimal number of additional “layers”, while for the iSCSI the opposite is true. As you can see for yourself from the screenshots, the Linux configuration requires the most CPU resources of all.


For all three scenarios, we are going to benchmark the Processing duration parameter (in the case with 10 jobs, the average value will be applied):

1 VM SMB iSCSI Linux node
Processing duration: 0:01:42 0:01:41 0:01:44

StarWind SAN&NAS storage usage:

StarWind SAN&NAS storage usage

10 VMs SMB iSCSI Linux node
Processing duration (avg): 0:03:44 0:04:04 0:03:53

Restore 10 VMs

SMB – CPU usage:



StarWind SAN&NAS VM:


iSCSI – CPU usage:



StarWind SAN&NAS VM:


Linux node – CPU usage:


Linux node - CPU usage

StarWind SAN&NAS VM:


Apparently, the results are more or less the same for each scenario involved, but in the case with the Linux node, the CPU load is 2-2,5 times higher.

Instant recovery:

Time from the beginning of the job to the booting VM into the Login screen:

1 VM SMB iSCSI Linux node
Duration: 0:00:59 0:00:54 0:00:54

The results are more or less the same for each scenario involved.


Well, all in all, the last results can pretty much sum it up: the Backup Appliance with GRAID based on StarWind SAN & NAS works well in all three scenarios presented. Naturally, the numbers are different in each individual case. In general, though, the slight performance differences are caused by the specifics of each scenario rather than by the solution itself. For instance, the Linux node scenario needs the biggest chunk of CPU resources, while the iSCSI scenario takes the longest to get the job done. Overall, the benchmarking in all three cases has shown satisfactory results, proving indeed that this configuration can become a real life-saver for those who don’t want to waste their money on unnecessary proprietary hardware.

Found Volodymyr’s article helpful? Looking for a reliable, high-performance, and cost-effective shared storage solution for your production cluster?
Dmytro Malynka
Dmytro Malynka StarWind Virtual SAN Product Manager
We’ve got you covered! StarWind Virtual SAN (VSAN) is specifically designed to provide highly-available shared storage for Hyper-V, vSphere, and KVM clusters. With StarWind VSAN, simplicity is key: utilize the local disks of your hypervisor hosts and create shared HA storage for your VMs. Interested in learning more? Book a short StarWind VSAN demo now and see it in action!