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Configure PostgreSQL database for Horizon 8 events

  • September 24, 2024
  • 5 min read
Cloud and Virtualization Architect. Paolo is a System Engineer, VCP-DCV, vExpert, VMCE, Veeam Vanguard, and author of the virtualization blog
Cloud and Virtualization Architect. Paolo is a System Engineer, VCP-DCV, vExpert, VMCE, Veeam Vanguard, and author of the virtualization blog

To store log events, Omnissa Horizon (formely known as VMware Horizon) supports MS-SQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL database platforms.

To keep costs under control, you can eliminate the need for a Windows license by using the PostgreSQL database solution on a Linux OS.

Database Type | Microsoft SQL Server


Install PostgreSQL database on Linux Ubuntu

In this example, the PostgreSQL database will be installed on Linux Ubuntu OS.

SSH the Ubuntu server with an account with root permissions.



Install the PostgreSQL package.

Install the PostgreSQL package.


Start the service.

Start the service


To run PostgreSQL after rebooting the server, enable the PostgreSQL service.

To run PostgreSQL after rebooting the server, enable the PostgreSQL service.


Check the system status.

Check the system status


Configure PostgreSQL

By default, the postgres user is created during the installation with the postgres role.

Connect the PostgreSQL prompt as a user with appropriated privileges with the following command:

Configure PostgreSQL


Assign the postgres user a new password.

Assign the postgres user a new password


Create a new user and assign a password.

Create a new user and assign a password.


Exit the PostgreSQL prompt.

Exit the PostgreSQL prompt.



Edit the file /etc/postgresql/14/main/pg_hba.conf and add the Connection Server IP addresses under the IPv4 local connection.

Replace peer with password

Replace peer with password



Edit the file etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf and change the line as follows:

Edit the file etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf and change the line as follows:


Restart the PostgreSQL service.

Restart the PostgreSQL service.


Connect the PostgreSQL database prompt once again.

Connect the PostgreSQL database prompt once again.


Create a new database.

Create a new database


Grant the permissions to the previously created database.

Grant the permissions to the previously created database


Exit the PostgreSQL prompt.

Exit the PostgreSQL prompt.


Configure the database in horizon

Access the Horizon console and access the Event Configuration section. Click Edit.

Access the Horizon console and access the Event Configuration section


Enter the configuration settings specifying PostgreSQL as Database Type. Click OK to save the configuration.

Enter the configuration settings specifying PostgreSQL as Database Type


The Event Database has been configured successfully.

The Event Database has been configured successfully


Using the PostgreSQL database running on a Linux OS to store Omnissa Horizon events, allows to save money because a Windows license is no longer required.

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Taras Shved
Taras Shved StarWind HCI Appliance Product Manager
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