StarWind is a hyperconverged (HCI) vendor with focus on Enterprise ROBO, SMB & Edge

How is NVMe-oF doing? Part 3: StarWind NVMe-oF Initiator + Linux SPDK NVMe-oF Target

  • August 12, 2019
  • 28 min read
IT and Virtualization Consultant. Dmitriy is specializing in Microsoft technologies, with a focus on storage, networking, and IT infrastructure architecture.
IT and Virtualization Consultant. Dmitriy is specializing in Microsoft technologies, with a focus on storage, networking, and IT infrastructure architecture.


Finally, I got the hands-on experience with StarWind NVMe-oF Initiator. I read that StarWind did a lot of work to bring NVMe-oF to Windows (it’s basically the first solution of its kind), so it’s quite interesting for me to see how their initiator works! In today’s post, I measure the performance of NVMe drive presented over Linux SPDK NVMe-oF Target while talking to it over StarWind NVMe-oF Initiator.

Linux SPDK RAM disk NVMe-oF Target


Linux SPDK RAM disk NVMe-oF Target ↔ StarWind NVMe-oF Initiator

Linux SPDK Optane NVMe-oF Target ↔ StarWind NVME-oF Initiator

Now, let’s talk more about the hardware configuration of my test environment. Here’s the hardware on the Target side (SPN77):

  • Dell PowerEdge R730, CPU 2x Intel Xeon E5-2683 v3 CPU @ 2.00GHz, 128 GB
  • Network: Mellanox Connect x4 100 Gbps
  • Storage: Intel Optane 900P
  • OS: CentOS 7.6 (Kernel 4.19.34) (Target)

Here’s what was inside the Initiator host (SPN76):

  • Dell PowerEdge R730, CPU 2x Intel Xeon E5-2683 v3 @ 2.00GHz, 128 GB
  • Network: Mellanox Connect x4 100 Gbps
  • OS: Windows Server 2016

Today I measure how efficiently the storage of the Target host (SPN76) can be presented over RDMA by means of StarWind NVMe-oF Initiator+ Linux SPDK NVMe-oF Target. The latter was installed on the Target side, SPN77. Network throughput between hosts was measured with rPerf (RDMA) and iPerf (TCP).


Before starting the actual tests, let’s see whether Mellanox ConnectX-4 can provide decent network throughput.

NOTE: CentOS starting with Kernel 4.19.34 comes with Mellanox drivers installed (i.e., there’s no need to install them manually). Here’s how to load Mellanox ConnectX-4 drivers.

Now, install Mellanox OFED for Windows ( on SPN76.

Mellanox OFED for Windows setup type

Mellanox OFED for Windows completed

Next, I checked whether NIC-s in my setup support RDMA. I used the rPerf ( utility kit consisting of two utilities: rperf and iperf. In rPerf for Windows, they are called nd_rping and rd_rperf respectively. The former is a qualitative tool allowing to see whether hosts can talk over RDMA while the latter allows for the qualitative analysis of host connectivity.

Install rPerf on both servers and see whether hosts can talk over RDMA.

On the Initiator host, start the utility with the –s flag (i.e., server mode).

Run rping on Target (SPN77) in the client mode (-c flag) next.

Being set like that, SPN77 starts talking to SPN76 over RDMA. Although it looks that I have assigned the roles wrong (in my case, Target talks to Initiator), rping will still work fine as it just doesn’t care about Target and Initiator; NIC’s ability to talk over RDMA is the only thing that matters for this piece of software.

Here’s the output proving that there’s RDMA connection between the servers.

Here’s the output proving that there’s RDMA connection between the servers

Now, let’s benchmark Mellanox ConnectX-4 throughput over TCP with iPerf. You can download this utility here:

Here’s the command for installing iPerf.

iPerf has to be installed on both hosts. One of them has to be run in client mode while another is started as a server. Here’s how to label one host as a client.

Find the command to run the utility in the server mode below.

Here’s the output showing what TCP throughput was like.

The output showing what TCP throughput was like.

Next, RDMA connection was checked with rPerf. Below, find the output showing what network throughput was like when measured in 64k blocks.

RDMA write test - 64 blocks

(9845.82*8)/1024=76.9 Gbps

Let’s measure RDMA connection throughput in 4k blocks now.

RDMA write test - 4 blocks

(4265.90*8)/1024=33.32 Gbps


The network won’t be a bottleneck. The observed RDMA and TCP network throughputs (77 Gbps and 94.6 Gbps respectively) were close enough to Mellanox ConnectX-4 network bandwidth, meaning that network doesn’t limit the underlying storage performance.


Install nvmecli

Install nvmecli on both servers using this command.

Start the Initiator on SPN77 and SPN76

Afterward, you can move to configuring a RAM disk.

Setting up a RAM disk

You need targetcli ( to create a RAM disk. Find the command to install it below:

Next, run these commands to make sure that targetcli will be running even after a host reboot.

Create a 1 GB RAM disk with targetcli and present it as a block device.

Now, check whether the disk was created with Lsblk. Here’s the output after the disk has been successfully created.

The disk was created with Lsblk

RAM disk is listed as the /dev/sdb directory.

Setting up the Target

To start with, download SPDK (

Here’s how a configuration retrieved from nvmf.conf looks like (find this file in spdk/etc/spdk/).

Сonfiguration retrieved from nvmf.conf

Now, take a look at the config file for Intel Optane 900P benchmarking.

Config file for Intel Optane 900P benchmarking

Here’s the command to start the target:

Setting up the Initiator

Before you start the initiator, it is necessary to deploy the prepare_test_machine.cmd script. It installs certificates and sets the server into Test mode. Note that the host reboots shortly after running the script. You also need to disable integrity check to be able to install self-signed certificates.

Here’s the prepare_test_machine.cmd listing.

Now, you need to install the Initiator driver. You can do that only manually. See how that can be done below.

1. Go to Device Manager and press Add legacy hardware.

Add legacy hardware.

2. Next, tick the Install the hardware that I manually select from a list option.

Install the hardware that I manually select from a list

3. Press Show All Devices afterward.

Show All Devices

4. Open the Have Disk menu.

5. Specify the path to StarNVMeoF.inf.

Specify the path to StarNVMeoF.inf.

Specify the path to StarNVMeoF.inf.

6. If everything was done right, StarWind NVMe over Fabrics Storage Controller would be listed in the Model field.

7. Press Next.

Press Next

8. Wait until the Add Hardware wizard finishes.

Add Hardware wizard finish

9. StarWind NVMe over Fabrics Storage Controller is now on the Storage controllers list.

StarWind NVMe over Fabrics Storage Controller

Now, let’s start fine-tuning StarWind NVMe-oF Initiator.

1. Open StarNVMeoF_Ctrl.exe via CLI as administrator.

Open StarNVMeoF_Ctrl.exe via CLI as administrator

2. If you start StarNVMeoF_Ctrl.exe without any parameters, you’ll get the list of available commands.

3. Once target and initiator IP-s are specified, StarNVMeoF_Ctrl.exe discovery lists all available devices. Use the command below to enter the IP-s.

4. Next, specify target and initiator NQN (initiator NQN in my case is Here’s the command allowing to do that:

Here are 2 more commands that may be interesting for you to know:

StarNVMeoF_Ctrl.exe list this command shows all the connected devices.

StarNVMeoF_Ctrl.exe remove disconnects the specific device from the initiator.


I think that it is a good idea to discuss how I carried out the measurements before moving to them.

Create a RAM disk with targetcli. Connect this disk as a local block device and benchmark its performance with FIO. RAM disk performance is going to be used as a reference only for the second step. Note that it is the maximum performance that can be observed for RAM disk in my setup.

Create an SPDK NVMe-oF target on the RAM disk (it is called Malloc in SPDK) on the Target host (SPN77). Connect the disk to Linux NVMe-oF Initiator located on the same host over loopback. Measure disk performance; that’s the new reference, i.e., the highest possible performance when the disk is presented to an initiator.

Create an SPDK NVMe-oF target on the RAM disk that resides on the Target side (SPN77). Present it over RDMA to the Initiator host (SPN76). Measure RAM disk performance over RDMA and compare it to the performance observed for a local RAM disk connected over loopback to the Initiator on the same host.

Connect Intel Optane 900P to SPN77 and benchmark it with FIO. This is the local drive performance that should be close to the value which one may find in vendor’s datasheet; no wonders that I use it as the ultimate reference.

On SPN77, present Intel Optane 900P to the local Linux NVMe-oF initiator by means of Linux SPDK NVMe-oF Target. That’s the reference that I use here to judge on StarWind NVMe-oF Initiator performance.

Measure NVMe drive performance while it is presented over the network. To do that, present Intel Optane 900P on SPN77 over RDMA to the Initiator on SPN76.

Herein, I used FIO ( for storage performance measurements.

Here are two ways of how you can install it. You can install it as a software package. Just use the command below.

Or, you can install it from the source using this set of commands:


Picking the optimal test utility parameters

Before I start the real measurements, I’d like to find the optimal test utility parameters, i.e., such numjobs (number of treads) and iodepth (queue depth) values that ensure the best possible disk performance. To find these parameters, I measured 4k random reading performance. In my tests, I had the numjobs parameter fixed while varying iodepth. I run these measurements for various numbers of threads (1, 2, 4, 8). Below, find how the FIO listing looked like for varying queue depth under numjobs=1.

Here are the numbers I got.

Pre-test RAM disk local
  1 Thread 2 Threads 4 Threads 8 Threads
Job name Total IOPS Total IOPS Total IOPS Total IOPS
4k rnd read 1 Oio 76643 143603 252945 422235
4k rnd read 2 Oio 137375 250713 370232 642717
4k rnd read 4 Oio 237949 361120 626944 760285
4k rnd read 8 Oio 266837 304866 654640 675861
4k rnd read 16 Oio 275301 359231 635906 736538
4k rnd read 32 Oio 173942 303148 652155 707239
4k rnd read 64 Oio 262701 359237 653462 723969
4k rnd read 128 Oio 173718 363937 655095 733124

4k random read RAM Disk pretest results RAM Disk


According to the plot above, numjobs = 8 iodepth = 4 are the optimal FIO parameters for testing RAM disk performance. Below, find the test utility listing.

RAM disk performance (connected via loopback)

  RAM Disk loopback ( Linux SPDK NVMe-oF Target
Job name Total IOPS Total bandwidth (MB/s) Average latency (ms)
4k random 50write 709451 2771.30 0.04
4k random read 709439 2771.26 0.04
4k random write 703042 2746.27 0.04
4k sequential 50write 715444 2794.71 0.04
4k sequential read 753439 2943.14 0.04
4k sequential write 713012 2785.22 0.05
64k random 50write 79322 4957.85 0.39
64k random read 103076 6442.53 0.30
64k random write 78188 4887.01 0.40
64k sequential 50write 81830 5114.63 0.38
64k sequential read 131613 8226.06 0.23
64k sequential write 79085 4943.10 0.39
8k random 70% write 465745 3638.69 0.07

RAM disk performance (presented over RDMA)

RAM Disk on Linux SPDK NVMe-oF Target to
StarWind NVMe-oF Initiator (Windows)
through Mellanox Connect x4 100 Gbps
Job name Total IOPS Total bandwidth (MB/s) Average latency (ms)
4k random 50write 444771 1737.40 0.05
4k random read 460792 1799.98 0.05
4k random write 452992 1769.51 0.05
4k sequential 50write 455858 1780.71 0.05
4k sequential read 464746 1815.43 0.05
4k sequential write 438501 1712.90 0.05
64k random 50write 78034 4877.35 0.39
64k random read 101369 6335.77 0.30
64k random write 78002 4875.36 0.39
64k sequential 50write 80823 5051.73 0.38
64k sequential read 119170 7448.45 0.25
64k sequential write 79272 4954.69 0.38
8k random 70% write 427503 3339.91 0.05


Picking the optimal test utility parameters

Let’s find the best possible FIO settings. I ran a bunch of tests for different numbers of threads under varying queue depth (4k random read).

Here’s what performance is like.

  1 Thread 2 Threads 4 Threads 8 Threads
Job name Total IOPS Total IOPS Total IOPS Total IOPS
4k rnd read 1 Oio 45061 93018 169969 329122
4k rnd read 2 Oio 90228 185013 334426 528235
4k rnd read 4 Oio 206207 311442 522387 587002
4k rnd read 8 Oio 146632 389886 586678 586956
4k rnd read 16 Oio 233125 305204 526101 571693
4k rnd read 32 Oio 144596 443912 585933 584758
4k rnd read 64 Oio 232987 304255 520358 586612
4k rnd read 128 Oio 146828 448596 581580 580075

4k random read Intel Optane 900P pre test results local


Under numjobs = 8 iodepth =4, I basically reached performance from Intel’s datasheet: (see the screenshot below). This means that these test utility parameters are the optimal ones.


Intel Optane 900P performance (connected over loopback)

Intel Optane 900P loopback ( Linux SPDK NVMe-oF Target
Job name Total IOPS Total bandwidth (MB/s) Average latency (ms)
4k random 50write 550744 2151.35 0.05
4k random read 586964 2292.84 0.05
4k random write 550865 2151.82 0.05
4k sequential 50write 509616 1990.70 0.06
4k sequential read 590101 2305.09 0.05
4k sequential write 537876 2101.09 0.06
64k random 50write 34566 2160.66 0.91
64k random read 40733 2546.02 0.77
64k random write 34590 2162.01 0.91
64k sequential 50write 34201 2137.77 0.92
64k sequential read 41418 2588.87 0.76
64k sequential write 34499 2156.53 0.91
8k random 70% write 256435 2003.45 0.12

Intel Optane 900P performance (presented over RDMA)

  Intel Optane 900P on Linux SPDK NVMe-oF Target to
StarWind NVMe-oF Initiator (Windows)
through Mellanox Connect x4 100 Gbps
Job name Total IOPS Total bandwidth (MB/s) Average latency (ms)
4k random 50write 397173 1551.47 0.06
4k random read 434979 1699.15 0.05
4k random write 405553 1584.20 0.06
4k sequential 50write 398307 1555.89 0.06
4k sequential read 444763 1737.37 0.05
4k sequential write 385254 1504.91 0.06
64k random 50write 34822 2176.51 0.91
64k random read 40733 2546.04 0.77
64k random write 34840 2177.88 0.91
64k sequential 50write 31168 1948.23 1.01
64k sequential read 40936 2558.75 0.77
64k sequential write 32080 2005.06 0.99
8k random 70% write 256474 2003.76 0.11


RAM disk

  RAM Disk Linux (local) RAM Disk loopback ( Linux SPDK NVMe-oF Target RAM Disk on Linux SPDK NVMe-oF Target to
StarWind NVMe-oF Initiator (Windows)
through Mellanox Connect x4 100 Gbps
Job name Total IOPS Total bandwidth (MB/s) Average latency (ms) Total IOPS Total bandwidth (MB/s) Average latency (ms) Total IOPS Total bandwidth (MB/s) Average latency (ms)
4k random 50write 458958 1792.81 0.07 709451 2771.30 0.04 444771 1737.40 0.05
4k random read 558450 2181.45 0.05 709439 2771.26 0.04 460792 1799.98 0.05
4k random write 460132 1797.40 0.07 703042 2746.27 0.04 452992 1769.51 0.05
4k sequential 50write 525996 2054.68 0.06 715444 2794.71 0.04 455858 1780.71 0.05
4k sequential read 656666 2565.11 0.05 753439 2943.14 0.04 464746 1815.43 0.05
4k sequential write 520115 2031.71 0.06 713012 2785.22 0.05 438501 1712.90 0.05
64k random 50write 50641 3165.26 0.62 79322 4957.85 0.39 78034 4877.35 0.39
64k random read 69812 4363.57 0.45 103076 6442.53 0.30 101369 6335.77 0.30
64k random write 50525 3158.06 0.62 78188 4887.01 0.40 78002 4875.36 0.39
64k sequential 50write 58900 3681.56 0.53 81830 5114.63 0.38 80823 5051.73 0.38
64k sequential read 73434 4589.86 0.42 131613 8226.06 0.23 119170 7448.45 0.25
64k sequential write 57200 3575.31 0.54 79085 4943.10 0.39 79272 4954.69 0.38
8k random 70% write 337332 2635.47 0.09 465745 3638.69 0.07 427503 3339.91 0.05

Intel Optane results

  Intel Optane 900P Linux (local) Intel Optane 900P loopback ( Linux SPDK NVMe-oF Target Intel Optane 900P on Linux SPDK NVMe-oF Target to
StarWind NVMe-oF Initiator (Windows)
through Mellanox Connect x4 100 Gbps
Job name Total IOPS Total bandwidth (MB/s) Average latency (ms) Total IOPS Total bandwidth (MB/s) Average latency (ms) Total IOPS Total bandwidth (MB/s) Average latency (ms)
4k random 50write 542776 2120.23 0.05 550744 2151.35 0.05 397173 1551.47 0.06
4k random read 586811 2292.24 0.05 586964 2292.84 0.05 434979 1699.15 0.05
4k random write 526649 2057.23 0.06 550865 2151.82 0.05 405553 1584.20 0.06
4k sequential 50write 323441 1263.45 0.09 509616 1990.70 0.06 398307 1555.89 0.06
4k sequential read 595622 2326.66 0.05 590101 2305.09 0.05 444763 1737.37 0.05
4k sequential write 416667 1627.61 0.07 537876 2101.09 0.06 385254 1504.91 0.06
64k random 50write 34224 2139.32 0.92 34566 2160.66 0.91 34822 2176.51 0.91
64k random read 40697 2543.86 0.77 40733 2546.02 0.77 40733 2546.04 0.77
64k random write 33575 2098.76 0.94 34590 2162.01 0.91 34840 2177.88 0.91
64k sequential 50write 34462 2154.10 0.91 34201 2137.77 0.92 31168 1948.23 1.01
64k sequential read 41369 2585.79 0.76 41418 2588.87 0.76 40936 2558.75 0.77
64k sequential write 34435 2152.52 0.91 34499 2156.53 0.91 32080 2005.06 0.99
8k random 70% write 256307 2002.46 0.12 256435 2003.45 0.12 256474 2003.76 0.11

Perfomance RAM Result

Perfomance Intel Optane


In 64k blocks, RAM disk, while being presented over RDMA, reached the same performance as when it was connected over loopback. In 4k blocks though, RAM disk, while being presented over RDMA, exhibited significantly lower performance than when it was connected over loopback (250K-300K IOPS less).

For Intel Optane 900P, things looked more or less the same. In 64k blocks, Intel Optane 900P provided the same performance over RDMA as when it was connected to the local target via loopback. In 4k blocks, the drive exhibited roughly 100 000 – 150 000 IOPS lower performance than while being connected locally.


Performance is just as important metric as the latency, so I think that this study cannot be considered complete without latency measurements. FIO settings: numjobs = 1 iodepth = 1.

RAM disk

  RAM Disk Linux (local) RAM Disk on Linux SPDK NVMe-oF Target to
StarWind NVMe-oF Initiator (Windows)
through Mellanox Connect x4 100 Gbps
Job name Total IOPS Total bandwidth (MB/s) Average latency (ms) Total IOPS Total bandwidth (MB/s) Average latency (ms)
4k random 50write 97108 379.33 0.0069433 22671 88.56 0.0344373
4k random read 114417 446.94 0.0056437 22841 89.23 0.0345294
4k random write 95863 374.46 0.0070643 23049 90.04 0.0341427
4k sequential 50write 107010 418.01 0.0061421 23020 89.92 0.0341291
4k sequential read 117168 457.69 0.0054994 22910 89.49 0.0344851
4k sequential write 98065 383.07 0.0068343 22906 89.48 0.0342793
64k random 50write 27901 1743.87 0.0266555 13665 854.07 0.0609151
64k random read 36098 2256.14 0.0203593 15826 989.18 0.0520607
64k random write 28455 1778.48 0.0260830 14614 913.38 0.0546317
64k sequential 50write 28534 1783.42 0.0262397 12820 801.27 0.0634169
64k sequential read 36727 2295.44 0.0200747 15918 994.93 0.0518925
64k sequential write 28988 1811.78 0.0256918 13737 858.61 0.0605783
8k random 70% write 85051 664.47 0.0083130 21648 169.13 0.0381733

Intel Optane

  Intel Optane 900P Linux (local) Intel Optane 900P on Linux SPDK NVMe-oF Target to
StarWind NVMe-oF Initiator (Windows)
through Mellanox Connect x4 100 Gbps
Job name Total IOPS Total bandwidth (MB/s) Average latency (ms) Total IOPS Total bandwidth (MB/s) Average latency (ms)
4k random 50write 73097 285.54 0.0108380 17563 68.61 0.0455358
4k random read 82615 322.72 0.0093949 18097 70.69 0.0442594
4k random write 73953 288.88 0.0108047 17217 67.26 0.0463379
4k sequential 50write 74555 291.23 0.0108105 17463 68.22 0.0458633
4k sequential read 85858 335.39 0.0092789 18850 73.63 0.0432678
4k sequential write 74998 292.96 0.0107804 19135 74.75 0.0401418
64k random 50write 19119 1194.99 0.0423029 9580 598.80 0.0899450
64k random read 22589 1411.87 0.0356328 11481 717.62 0.0745408
64k random write 18762 1172.63 0.0427555 9653 603.36 0.0892458
64k sequential 50write 19320 1207.54 0.0423435 9629 601.84 0.0900962
64k sequential read 22927 1432.96 0.0353837 10757 672.33 0.0801468
64k sequential write 18663 1166.44 0.0429796 9588 599.30 0.0901930
8k random 70% write 72212 564.16 0.0114044 17258 134.84 0.0469456


Today, I measured the performance of an NVMe drive presented over the network with Linux SPDK NVMe-oF Target + StarWind NVMe-oF Initiator for Windows. The main idea was to check whether a solution that brings NVMe-oF to Windows can unleash the whole potential of NVMe drives. StarWind NVMe-oF Initiator is a great solution allowing to enjoy the whole potential of NVMe drives.

In my next article, I sum up the results that I observed before and find out which NVMe-oF Initiator works better for presenting an NVMe SSD over RDMA.

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