According to IDC quarterly report, EMC’s Data Domain leads in the purpose-built backup appliance market.
Worldwide Quarterly Purpose-Built Backup Appliance Tracker for 2015’s fourth quarter shows the top five vendors’ revenue chart and puts EMC at the first line with about 68 percent share and $708m revenues.
The following positions are occupied by Symantec ($125.1m / 12%), IBM ($41.6m / 4%), HPE ($40.7m / 3.9%), Dell ($23.6m / 2.3%), and Others ($107m / 10%).
Initial growth of Symantec slumped later. EMC had a drop in the first quarter but then recovered significantly.
Barracuda had an approximately 33% growth in revenues from 2014 to 2015, thus leaving Dell behind. IBM over the same period had a 19.5% drop.
Barracuda may set back into Others category shortly because of its troubles, and Veritas has good chances to grow in the market.
It can be said that Data Domain was an extremely lucky acquisition and at the same time a huge miss on NetApp behalf letting EMC win the competition.
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