StarWind is a hyperconverged (HCI) vendor with focus on Enterprise ROBO, SMB & Edge

[OMS] Create a new dashboard for your IIS servers

  • October 19, 2016
  • 9 min read
Cloud and Virtualization Architect. Florent is specializing in public, hybrid, and private cloud technologies. He is a Microsoft MVP in Cloud and Datacenter Management and an MCSE in Private Cloud.
Cloud and Virtualization Architect. Florent is specializing in public, hybrid, and private cloud technologies. He is a Microsoft MVP in Cloud and Datacenter Management and an MCSE in Private Cloud.

I’m currently discovering Microsoft OMS and it’s why, today, I’ll explain to you how to create your view in OMS, for IIS servers.


I’m currently discovering Microsoft OMS and it’s why, today, I’ll explain to you how to create your view in OMS, for IIS server

Before starting, we need to activate some rules/features in OMS. The first one is to activate the logs IIS collection. Navigate to Settings > Data > IIS Logs and check the box to activate the IIS logs (1) and Save (2):

OMS settings

If you want to monitor the number of connection in real time, go to Settings > Data > Windows Performance Counters. Here, find Web Service(*)\Current Connections (1) then, click on the add button (2) and, finally, save (3):

OMS settings

To create a personal view, you need to activate a new feature in Settings > Preview Features > View Designer and activate it:

OMS settings

Go back on your home screen. You’ll see a new solution, View Designer:

OMS console

Open it to create the new solution. Choose the Tile Number then, on the right pane, fill in like this:

Name Text
Name IIS Server Assessment Solution
Legend Number of IIS Servers
Query ObjectName=”Web Service” | measure count() by Computer

OMS console

This tile will show the number of IIS servers that you have in your OMS infrastructure. Don’t forget to save sometimes, by clicking on Save, on the top left.

Click now on View, beside Tile. I added an information view, it’s not mandatory:

the number of IIS servers in OMS infrastructure

After, add a view with type Number & list. This view will show you the list of IIS servers. Fill in as following:

Name Text
Group Title IIS Servers
Tile Legend List of IIS Servers
Tile Query ObjectName=”Web Service” | measure count() by Computer
List Query ObjectName=”Web Service” | measure count() by Computer

OMS console

Add a new view with type Line chart & list to have the average of CPU used, on each server that as the IIS role installed. Fill in as following:

Name Text
Group Title CPU usage for IIS Servers
Header Title Average CPU used in %
Line Chart Query Type=Perf CounterName=”% Processor Time” InstanceName=”_Total” Computer IN {ObjectName=”Web Service” | measure count() by Computer}  | Measure Avg(CounterValue) as AvgCPUPercent by Computer interval 10minutes
List Query Type=Perf CounterName=”% Processor Time” InstanceName=”_Total” Computer IN {ObjectName=”Web Service” | measure count() by Computer}  | Measure avg(CounterValue)  by Computer
Navigation query {selected item} Type=Perf CounterName=”% Processor Time” InstanceName=”_Total”

OMS console

Add a new view with type Line chart & list to have the average of memory used, on each server that as the IIS role installed. Fill in as following:

Name Text
Group Title Memory Usage for IIS Servers
Header Title Average memory used  in %
Line Chart Query Type=Perf ObjectName=Memory (CounterName=”% Used Memory” OR CounterName=”% Committed Bytes In Use”) Computer IN { ObjectName=”Web Service” | measure count() by Computer}|Measure Avg(CounterValue) as AvgUsedMemory by Computer interval 10minutes
List Query Type=Perf ObjectName=Memory (CounterName=”% Used Memory” OR CounterName=”% Committed Bytes In Use”) Computer IN { ObjectName=”Web Service” | measure count() by Computer}|Measure avg(CounterValue) by Computer
Navigation query {selected item} Type=Perf ObjectName=Memory (CounterName=”% Used Memory” OR CounterName=”% Committed Bytes In Use”)

OMS console

Add a new view with type Line chart & list to have the average of free disk space, on each server that as the IIS role installed. Fill in as following:

Name Text
Group Title IIS Free Space Drive
Header Title Free space available in % in drives
Line Chart Query Type=Perf (CounterName=”% Free Space”) Computer IN { ObjectName=”Web Service” | measure count() by Computer}| Measure Avg(CounterValue) as FreeSpace by Computer interval 1minute
List Query Type=Perf (CounterName=”% Free Space”) Computer IN { ObjectName=”Web Service” | measure count() by Computer} | measure avg(CounterValue) by Computer
Navigation query {selected item} Type=Perf (CounterName=”% Free Space”)

OMS console

If you activated the object to get the number of IIS connection, so add a new view with type Line chart & list. Fill in as following:

Name Text
Group Title IIS Connections
Header Title Total IIS connections by server
Line Chart Query Type=Perf CounterName=”Current Connections” ObjectName=”Web Service” InstanceName=_Total | measure avg(CounterValue) by Computer interval 1minute
List Query Type=Perf CounterName=”Current Connections” ObjectName=”Web Service” InstanceName=_Total | measure avg(CounterValue) by Computer
Navigation query {selected item} Type=Perf CounterName=”Current Connections” InstanceName=_Total

OMS console

Finally, we will add a last view with type Donut & list to have an overview of events with type W3CIISLog on each server. Fill in like this:

Name Text
Group Title IIS Logs
Header Title IIS Logs generated
Donut Query Type=W3CIISLog Computer IN {ObjectName=”Web Service” | measure count() by Computer} | measure count() by Computer
List Query Type=W3CIISLog Computer IN {ObjectName=”Web Service” | measure count() by Computer} | measure count() by Computer
Navigation query {selected item} Type=W3CIISLog

OMS console

Save with the Save button on the top left.

Your new view is now available and you can use it as you want  🙂

OMS console

OMS console

This new feature is very interesting, and, according to the uservoice of OMS, it’ll be possible soon to export your dashboard to save/transfer to other workspaces  🙂

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Taras Shved
Taras Shved StarWind HCI Appliance Product Manager
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