
Educational Episodes: Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI)

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Florent Appointaire
  • Florent Appointaire
  • September 27, 2022

Copy an Azure Image from a subscription to another

Having only the desired users access necessary services in Azure Production Subscription is vital to the security and smoothness of your IT environment operation. You can have your people working on new projects in a sandbox subscription. When you’re ready to transfer such projects to production, a set of easy steps will help you do that.

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Vladan Seget
  • Vladan Seget
  • September 22, 2022

New VMware Multi Cloud Management Solution Called Aria

Recently, at VMware EXPLORE 2022, the virtualization vendor announced a new product called VMware Aria. The new service is a multi-cloud management solution. It allows you to centralize multi-cloud operation in one console that has a single view for deployment, management, automation and cost management of your cloud-based environment.

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Brandon Lee
  • Brandon Lee
  • September 20, 2022

VMware Workload Advanced Security for AWS announced

VMware recently announced a new way to enhance cybersecurity for Amazon Web Services cloud-based infrastructure — Advanced Workload Security for AWS. This new offer is based on the Carbon Black portfolio developed by VMware. It presents cloud-native endpoint security options that make cloud environments just as secure as on-prem ones.

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Kevin Soltow
  • Kevin Soltow
  • September 15, 2022

The 3-2-1 Backup Rule – Why Your Data Will Always Survive

Data loss can happen to anyone. Don’t risk it! Explore the 3-2-1 Backup Rule for ultimate protection.

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Benoit Voirin
  • Benoit Voirin
  • September 15, 2022

Secure Software Development Lifecycle

The functioning of any enterprise IT infrastructure depends on multiple factors, which may or may not correlate with each other well. For instance, it is widely believed that security is slowing development processes. However, a secure Software Development Lifecycle will make sure that both your development and security teams deliver secure software with no delay.

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Nicolas Prigent
  • Nicolas Prigent
  • September 13, 2022

Getting started with Adaptive Cards in Teams

The post-covid world has marked significant changes in many organizations’ work, urging companies to rely more on distance communication between employees. Microsoft Teams is one of the most popular tools to maintain coordinated work, and it has a lot of useful functionality to offer, such as Adaptive Cards.

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Florent Appointaire
  • Florent Appointaire
  • September 8, 2022

[Azure] Backup Your Blob Storage with Backup Center

Microsoft recently added the ability to backup your blob storage data to Azure with Backup Center. Blob is object storage optimized for storing large amounts of unstructured data, which ranges from servicing images, documents, and streaming to writing to log files and disaster recovery. Now, you can backup your blob in a few clicks.

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Brandon Lee
  • Brandon Lee
  • September 6, 2022

What is Windows Update for Business Safeguard holds

Windows Update for Business recently introduced safeguard holds, which prevents a user from updating until an issue likely to happen is fixed. Previously, admins would deter from performing regular updates for various issues. Now, the manager uses machine learning to monitor millions of unmanaged PCs for rollback during upgrading for context. It pauses updates for users at potential issue risk and offers it again once the issue is dealt with.

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Romain Serre
  • Romain Serre
  • September 1, 2022

Manage an allowed country list to connect to Azure AD

Azure Active Directory (AD) allows managing connections so that users from certain countries can’t access your services. However, sometimes, VIPs can travel to one of such countries. To address that, you can deny access to all users in a country, allow connection from that country to certain users, or establish an approval workflow to allow travel with an access package.

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