
Educational Episodes: Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI)

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Karim Buzdar
  • Karim Buzdar
  • November 18, 2021

How to install and use R and RStudio in Linux

R is the name of a programming language, often used alongside Python, for statistical computing and graphics. It’s frequently utilized by data analysts and data miners to develop statistical software and data analyses. R can be used independently or within an environment, RStudio, a free open-source integrated development environment for R.

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Vladan Seget
  • Vladan Seget
  • November 16, 2021

New vSphere Diagnostic Tool utility

vSphere Diagnostic Tool is a free utility which is, essentially, a script built for checking vCenter Server. It’s applicable to vSphere 6.5 and higher and used by engineers to isolate a particular issue in your vSphere environment. It’s an early tool, but it already has an extensive checklist it searches your vCenter Server for and can prove quite handy.

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Alex Williams
  • Alex Williams
  • November 11, 2021

How Can BI Dashboards Benefit Your Business?

Business Intelligence (BI) Dashboards bring value to the data you collect. Not only do you have to collect proper data for the desired result — you also have to properly display it for it to create desired meaning and benefit. BI Dashboards do just that: they reflect designated data in a variety of forms, showing KPIs necessary for a business to progress.

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Alex Samoylenko
  • Alex Samoylenko
  • November 9, 2021

3 New Important Things About VMware vSphere: Project Capitola, Project Monterey, and no more SD Card/USB Boot Device

VMworld 2021 announced three exciting changes. First, Project Capitola, a software-defined memory solution in the cloud. Second, Project Monterey, a revisit of virtualization infrastructure as a distributed control fabric via tight integration with SmartNIC to offload networking to the hardware level, plus a zero-trust security model. Third, future deprecation of SD Card/USB device boot options.

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Romain Serre
  • Romain Serre
  • November 4, 2021

Integrate partners product in Azure Sentinel from the solution gallery

Microsoft released Azure Sentinel Solutions for public review in May 2021. The feature is a gallery that’s part of Azure Marketplace, where users can publish packages to easily integrate a product from Azure Sentinel itself. Administrators can just select a solution from the gallery, click on create, follow the wizard, and integrate the new solution, which already contains data connectors, workbooks, queries, and analytics rules templates.

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Nicolas Prigent
  • Nicolas Prigent
  • November 2, 2021

How to Start Azure DevOps Releases Using PowerShell?

Release Pipelines in Azure DevOps is incredibly handy for your entire software delivery. While Azure DevOps has various automation features for projects within, you can also automate various tasks regarding Azure DevOps itself. There are many ways to start your release, and today show you how to run your release through PowerShell.

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Paolo Valsecchi
  • Paolo Valsecchi
  • October 28, 2021

Decommission ADFS Office 365 After Migrating to Azure AD

If you’ve switched to Active Directory (AD) authentication, you’ll need to decommission AD Federation Services (ADFS) Office 365. You’ll need to do that because Microsoft Office 365 identity platform is no longer usable after that migration. It’s not a complicated procedure but you have to execute it properly to avoid conflict.

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Benoit Voirin
  • Benoit Voirin
  • October 26, 2021

Identity as a Service (IDaaS)

IDaaS offers the benefits of hybrid IT by providing cloud-based Identity and Access Management (IAM). The service ensures that users are who they claim to be, and provides them with appropriate access to specific resources at a proper time. It’s maintained by the service provider and needs little resources or effort to jumpstart.

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Florent Appointaire
  • Florent Appointaire
  • October 21, 2021

Add Address Space to a Peered Virtual Network (Preview)

Microsoft introduced yet another feature to enhance its Azure users’ comfort. Before, you’d have to remove all peering of a virtual network (VNet), add new addresses to a subnet, and then redo all peering. This would entail downtime-related issues. Now, you can add new address spaces without peering deactivation. Amazing!

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