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Romain Serre
  • Romain Serre
  • March 4, 2021

Filter Web Content with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint

Among many good things, remote work creates new challenges for business cybersecurity. Regardless of whether the user uses VPN, having additional security measures can never hurt. Microsoft Defender for Endpoint introduces additional layers where you can also set web content filters to avoid your employees creating unwanted cyber threats.
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Benoit Voirin
  • Benoit Voirin
  • March 2, 2021

Assessing Your Active Directory

Evaluating the state of your Active Directory (AD) is perceived as a laborious and complex task. If you do that manually, then perhaps it is. However, checking up on the state of your AD is necessary to rule out potential threats to your environment. Luckily, there’s one tool that can help you generate a comprehensive security report on your chosen AD within minutes.
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Vladan Seget
  • Vladan Seget
  • February 25, 2021

VMware vSphere and basic storage concepts in K8s, vSAN and vSphere Virtual Volumes (vVols)

Good understanding of storage is vital to every IT admin, freshman or not. vSphere continues to innovate how it uses storage, so it’s better to brush up on existing ways before getting into novelties. So before checking out vSphere 7 and Tanzu with their Paravirtual Container Storage Interface (pvCSI), let’s repeat the core material.
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Florent Appointaire
  • Florent Appointaire
  • February 23, 2021

Certificate rotation for your AKS cluster to improve the security

The issue with, for example, employees leaving your company is that they can take the Kube file with them. With that file, they can access your Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). One way to avoid that is to remove the opportunity of access entirely by renewing certificate authority for the designated AKS cluster.
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Vladan Seget
  • Vladan Seget
  • February 18, 2021

VMware vSphere 7 with some Quick boot changes and vSphere Lifecycle Manager (vLCM) details about Image-based updates

In large infrastructures, there may be clusters of hosts that require patching. A full reboot would take quite a long time. Now, vSphere Lifecycle Manager (vLCM) has a quick boot option (a kind of a warm boot), which allows for a much smoother boot. Additionally, the “desired state” image of the cluster feature will ensure that new hosts that differ for some reason from the “image” will be remediated to the desired state.
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Florent Appointaire
  • Florent Appointaire
  • February 16, 2021

Improve Your Pods Communication with Network Policies on AKS

Normally, the pods within your Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) communicate freely. Such a situation can compromise your security if met with a certain threat. To avoid that, you can use Azure or Calico Network Policies to restrict communication and allow only a set configuration for communication between your pods to avoid unnecessary cyber threats.
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Didier Van Hoye
  • Didier Van Hoye
  • February 11, 2021

Evolution and trends in backup storage for Microsoft environments with Veeam in 2021

More transparency, fewer hardware restrictions, freedom of choice, clarity of control, and immutability — that’s where backups are headed. Microsoft has been taking too long to adapt its ReFS to those consumer demands. Veeam and Linux, on the other hand, leverage those trends and offer immutability with reasonable freedom of object and cloud storage choice.
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Alex Samoylenko
  • Alex Samoylenko
  • February 9, 2021

Managing VMware vCenter & ESXi License Keys with PowerCLI

More transparency, fewer hardware restrictions, freedom of choice, clarity of control, and immutability — that’s where backups are headed. Microsoft has been taking too long to adapt its ReFS to those consumer demands. Veeam and Linux, on the other hand, leverage those trends and offer immutability with reasonable freedom of object and cloud storage choice.
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Vladan Seget
  • Vladan Seget
  • February 4, 2021

What is VMware Event Broker Appliance (VEBA)?

VMware VEBA is a tool that allows you to create event-driven automation with the ability to trigger custom or pre-built actions depending on your vSphere event. It’s currently distributed as a Fling and available as a virtual appliance, deployed via an OVA file. It’s easily deployable on-premises to your vSphere or in a public cloud if you’re using that scenario.
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