
Educational Episodes: Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI)

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Ivan Talaichuk
  • Ivan Talaichuk
  • September 7, 2017

Hyperconvergence – another buzzword or the King of the Throne?

Before we have started our journey through the storage world, I would like to begin with a side note on what is hyperconverged infrastructure and which problems this cool word combination really solves. Folks who already took the grip on hyperconvergence can just skip the first paragraph where I’ll describe HCI components plus a backstory about this tech. Hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) is a term coined by two great guys: Steve Chambers and Forrester Research (at least Wiki said so). They’ve created this word combination in order to describe a fully software-defined IT infrastructure that is capable of virtualizing all the components of conventional ‘hardware-defined’ systems.

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Romain Serre
  • Romain Serre
  • September 6, 2017

Convert a Physical Linux Server to a VMware VM

When you implement a virtual infrastructure, you may want to convert your physical servers to virtual ones to improve your datacenter consolidation. In this topic, we will see how to convert a physical Linux server to a VMware VM. To make this conversion, I used VMware vCenter Converter Standalone. To host VMware vCenter Converter Standalone, you need a physical or virtual machine based on Windows Server. Usually, when I run this tool, I use a virtual machine. Then, I run the executable to process the product installation.

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Karim Buzdar
  • Karim Buzdar
  • September 5, 2017

Installing Exchange Server 2016 on Windows Server 2016 with GUI

Probably most of the enterprise businesses have heard of Microsoft Exchange Server. It’s Microsoft platform delivering email, scheduling, and tools for custom collaboration and messaging service applications and is installed on Windows Server operating systems. Its main aim is not just to let workers inside an organization communicate but to collaborate. So, you can install Exchange Server 2016 on Windows Server 2016 using two ways:

  • PowerShell
  • Graphical User Interface (GUI)

However, in this article, I’ll focus on installation with the help of GUI.

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Augusto Alvarez
  • Augusto Alvarez
  • August 29, 2017

Azure Stack in GA. Part III: Support Models and the Azure Pack Story

This is going to be the third article in the series of reviewing and understanding Azure Stack (previous articles: Azure Stack Release and Deployment Models). Now that we have a good grasp of the platform, how the Integrated Systems come into play and features available; I want to extend the topics to other two important matters for existing customers of Azure: How the support model will work with hardware and software in place from different vendors; and what’s the interconnection with the already existing Azure Pack solution.

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Dmytro Malynka
  • Dmytro Malynka
  • August 23, 2017

Top 5 Best Utilities for your vSphere infrastructure presented on VMware Labs in 2017

As all of you know, VMware Labs posts handful utilities for VMware administrators to make the management of vSphere virtualization infrastructure easier. Those tools are being developed by VMware Engineers, Community, and Open Source. Today I would like to emphasize some of the latest tools available to download and implement.

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Jon Toigo
  • Jon Toigo
  • August 22, 2017

The Pleasant Fiction of Software-Defined Storage

Whether you have heard it called software-defined storage, referring to a stack of software used to dedicate an assemblage of commodity storage hardware to a virtualized workload, or hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI), referring to a hardware appliance with a software-defined storage stack and maybe a hypervisor pre-configured and embedded, this “revolutionary” approach to building storage was widely hailed as your best hope for bending the storage cost curve once and for all.  With storage spending accounting for a sizable percentage – often more than 50% — of a medium-to-large organization’s annual IT hardware budget, you probably welcomed the idea of an SDS/HCI solution when the idea surfaced in the trade press, in webinars and at conferences and trade shows a few years ago.

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Jon Toigo
  • Jon Toigo
  • August 17, 2017

The Need For Liquidity in Data Storage Infrastructure

Liquidity is a term you are more likely to hear on a financial news channel than at a technology trade show.  As an investment-related term, liquidity refers the amount of capital available to banks and businesses and to how readily it can be used.  Assets that can be converted quickly to cash (preferably with minimal loss in value) in order to meet immediate and short term obligations are considered “liquid.” When it comes to data storage, liquid storage assets can be viewed as those that can be allocated to virtually any workload at any time without compromising performance, cost-efficiency/manageability, resiliency, or scalability.  High liquidity storage supports any workload operating under any OS, hypervisor, or container technology, accessed via any protocol (network file systems, object storage, block network, etc.), without sacrificing data protection, capacity scaling, or performance optimization.

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Alex Bykovskyi
  • Alex Bykovskyi
  • August 16, 2017


This article describes the deployment of a Ceph cluster in one instance or as it’s called “Ceph-all-in-one”. As you may know, Ceph is a unified Software-Defined Storage system designed for great performance, reliability, and scalability. With the help of Ceph, you can build an environment with the desired size. You can start with a one-node system and there are no limits in its sizing. I will show you how to build the Ceph cluster on top of one virtual machine (or instance). You should never use such scenario in production, only for testing purposes. The series of articles will guide you through the deployment and configuration of different Ceph cluster builds.

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Askar Kopbayev
  • Askar Kopbayev
  • August 15, 2017

3 Generations of My Homelabs

Sooner or later every single IT guy comes to the idea of having some lab. There are a million reasons why you would need a lab: learning new technologies, improving skills, trying crazy ideas you would never dare to try in the production network, you name it. Even though it is a work-related activity for most home labbers this is just another hobby for many of us.  That’s why people spend so many hours of their personal time building the homelab, investing significant funds into new hardware, thoroughly planning its setup, looking for a help in online communities or sharing their experience to help others. There is a whole universe of home labbers and I am happy to be part of this community. In this post, I would like to share my experience with 3 generations of home labs I have had so far and the thoughts about next generation.

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