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Augusto Alvarez
  • Augusto Alvarez
  • January 23, 2017

Azure Storage New Features: Larger Blobs and New Storage Emulator

Microsoft recently announced new features and updated capabilities within Azure Storage. Some of the new features are Larger blobs, incremental copy, new API capabilities and an updated version for the Storage Emulator.

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Michael Ryom
  • Michael Ryom
  • January 18, 2017

Capacity planning with vRops

Capacity planning is one of the tasks that every IT organization need to do, but most do very poorly. This is not out of bad will or lack of skills. Most often, it is because they lack a good way of dealing with all the changes, past, present and future. Most of them are also done reactively. Statistics may be pulled from vCenter and put into word or excel where graphs of past data points from a historical trend. This is then used to predict the future growth and based there of cluster sizing and purchasing decisions are made. Alternatively, the all too familiar, “we are out of resources. Hurry we need to buy more”, scenario comes into play. None of these capacity technics are very good. There is most properly a need to do things smarter.

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Mike Preston
  • Mike Preston
  • January 17, 2017

PowerShell ROBO

Picture this – you are a systems administrator working at a major banking institution. The security team walks into your office and lets you know that a major update needs to be applied to all of the servers within the institution – not a problem for most organizations, but in the case of a bank, you could have hundreds if not thousands of remote and branch offices.  Sure, we can write scripts to copy out the update files and even execute them remotely from our head office – but the problem most ROBO scenarios are ever-changing – with new offices being created and others closing down all the time.  Keeping track of server names, IP schemes, etc. can be quite a time-consuming process.  Naturally, we want the same updates, patches, and fixes to be deployed everywhere, in the same manner, in order to provide consistency – so having this up to date list available when we need it is key to driving success within our environment.

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Augusto Alvarez
  • Augusto Alvarez
  • January 16, 2017

Azure: Microsoft is cancelling the Pay-as-you-Go Option, but don’t worry

Microsoft will be “guiding” new customers to use the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) program to acquire any of the Azure subscriptions. Even though you won’t see the pay-as-you-go option from Microsoft, don’t panic, there’s an explanation.

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Mikhail Rodionov
  • Mikhail Rodionov
  • January 13, 2017

Windows Server 2016 Nano Server – Just enough OS model

We are in 2017 now, and it’s about fourth month since Windows Server 2016 has been RTMed in September 2016. By now, everyone probably heard about one of the big new features of Windows Server 2016 – Nano Server, new installation option which you can’t select during setup 🙂 . But I think there is still a lot of “why” and “how” questions around Nano Server. In this blog post, I will try to provide a bit of a history and compare Nano Server with other installation types.

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Gary Williams
  • Gary Williams
  • January 11, 2017

Exploring VMWare’s VPID Technology

I’ve been using VMWare’s VPID (Virtual Port ID) technology for some time now both in work and in the home lab but I was curious to see just how VMWare handled a NIC going down and then coming back up and it turned out to be a lot more powerful and smooth than I first thought.

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Augusto Alvarez
  • Augusto Alvarez
  • January 10, 2017

CES 2017: AT&T Offering Internet-of-Things (IoT) starter kits for AWS and Raspberry Pi

AT&T, the Texas-based telecommunications company, has just announced two new Internet of Things (IoT) starter kits at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2017 in Las Vegas, one for Amazon Web Services (AWS) developers, the other for developers that use Raspberry Pi.

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Romain Serre
  • Romain Serre
  • January 10, 2017

Get started with Windows Containers

Windows Server 2016 has been released in October 2016 and comes with a new feature called Containers. Containers already exist in Linux world and enable to make OS virtualization. Basically, a container is an isolated place where an application can run without affecting the rest of the system and without the system affecting the application (MSDN definition).

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Oksana Zybinskaya
  • Oksana Zybinskaya
  • January 9, 2017

Ransomware: 14 Key Methods of Protection

After 2016 everyone can come to a certain conclusion that ransomware is a persistent phenomenon to reckon with from now on, with more sophisticated and innovative techniques to come. That is why it is crucial for every user and administrator to learn how to improve and protect their computer from ransomware.

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