Unfortunately, all environments fail one day due to something bad like mistakes, unexpected power outages, or disasters. Being a system admin, you know that there’s no infrastructure immune to that. The only things you can do to mitigate trouble’s impact on your production running on Windows Server 2016 are coming up with the right disaster recovery strategy and employing a nice dedicated solution. This video focuses on some well-known and well-proven DR site options for Windows Server 2016 like Storage Replica, Veeam Replica, and Hyper-V Replica.
Conventional Disaster Recovery options for virtualized IT environments running on Microsoft Windows Server 2016
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Sergiy Sanduliak, Pre-sales Engineer, StarWind
Duration: 55:57
Key points of the webinar:
- What you should prepare your IT environment for
- Storage Replica vs. Veeam Backup & Replication vs. Hyper-V Replica
- Demonstrating each disaster recovery site option in use
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