
Thorburn Associates achieved unprecedented uptime with StarWind Virtual SAN

June 13, 2023
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Jerry Gode
Senior Associate
Senior Associate


Before StarWind Virtual SAN deployment, Thorburn Associates used to run its production on the aging physically shared storage with Hyper-V on top. There was no virtualization at all, only a bunch of physical machines. And, if any of physical components went down, the entire production would be down as well!

The company needed virtualization badly. It required to change part of its old hardware and was looking for a flexible hardware-agnostic shared storage provider.

StarWind plays well with Microsoft Servers and Hyper-V. With a pair of physical hosts, I can easily move my virtual machines between hosts for maintenance or failure. We could not do that before.

Jerry Gode, Senior Associate


StarWind Virtual SAN was chosen as it can be easily deployed on the existing company’s hardware. Sure, TA updated some pieces of its hardware, but it wasn’t a big deal to deploy VSAN on the resulting infrastructure.

StarWind VSAN is a Windows-native solution, so it was easily integrated with Windows Server management tools and Hyper-V.

Also, the company ensured unprecedented uptime thanks to Windows Server Failover Clustering and StarWind Virtual SAN. Running production on just a pair of servers, the administrator can easily move virtual machines between hosts if one of those servers goes down.

Inspired by Jerry Gode’s success? Want to improve business continuity for your business-critical apps and services?
Dmytro Malynka StarWind Virtual SAN Product Manager
We’ve got you covered! StarWind Virtual SAN (VSAN) is specifically designed to provide highly-available shared storage for Hyper-V, vSphere, and KVM clusters. With StarWind VSAN, simplicity is key: utilize the local disks of your hypervisor hosts and create shared HA storage for your VMs. Interested in learning more? Book a short StarWind VSAN demo now and see it in action!