
PAD Technologies Inc. ensures the continuous operation of its critical voice server by creating a highavailability cluster with StarWind Virtual SAN (VSAN)

January 11, 2024
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Khurram Mohammad
Company Representative
Company Representative


Before the deployment of StarWind Virtual SAN (VSAN), PAD Technologies Inc. faced a critical challenge in ensuring high availability (HA) for its voice server. The company utilized a Windows cluster with VMware as the hypervisor, aiming to maintain seamless voice traffic even in the face of inevitable circumstances. The existing infrastructure struggled to provide the required level of redundancy, making it difficult to overcome disruptions without causing downtime.

The decision to choose StarWind VSAN was influenced by its exceptional support and proven ability to rectify storage issues without causing disruptions.

StarWind made it easy to get features such as replication in HA cluster environment that helps with the redundancy.

Khurram Mohammad, Company Representative


StarWind VSAN revolutionized PAD Technologies infrastructure by simplifying the implementation of essential features like replication in a high-availability cluster environment. This enhancement ensured redundancy, allowing the voice server to operate seamlessly even during unforeseen events. StarWind Support Team played a crucial role in the smooth transition, helping the company to overcome challenges without compromising on uptime.

PAD Technologies Inc. envisions a continued partnership with StarWind, recognizing the value it adds to the company’s IT infrastructure.

Inspired by Khurram Mohammad’s success? Want to improve business continuity for your business-critical apps and services?
Dmytro Malynka StarWind Virtual SAN Product Manager
We’ve got you covered! StarWind Virtual SAN (VSAN) is specifically designed to provide highly-available shared storage for Hyper-V, vSphere, and KVM clusters. With StarWind VSAN, simplicity is key: utilize the local disks of your hypervisor hosts and create shared HA storage for your VMs. Interested in learning more? Book a short StarWind VSAN demo now and see it in action!