Inspired by Tom Ziegler’s success? Want to implement the bulletproof backup strategy that includes an off-site backup copy?
Orest Lesyuk StarWind VTL Product Manager
We can assist you with that! StarWind VTL is an easy-to-use solution that emulates tape libraries, providing Write-Once-Read-Many (WORM) storage for your backups. Moreover, the Cloud Replication feature in StarWind VTL enables the scheduled offloading of your backups to the cloud, including Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, Cloudian, Backblaze B2, Wasabi, and other S3-compatible cloud storage options. As a result, you can effortlessly implement the '3-2-1' backup rule for your backup infrastructure, safeguarding your data against ransomware and similar threats. Interested in learning more Book a short StarWind VTL demo now and see it in action!