
Data protection: Immutability

July 17, 2024
Ivan Ischenko
StarWind Pre-Sales Team Lead. Ivan has a deep knowledge of virtualization, strong background in storage technologies, and solution architecture.
StarWind Pre-Sales Team Lead. Ivan has a deep knowledge of virtualization, strong background in storage technologies, and solution architecture.

Secure and immutable backup & archive storage. A cost-effective protection against ransomware and similar threats.


In today’s digital age, an increasing number of companies are turning to centralized storage solutions to house their valuable data and facilitate remote operations. This approach offers numerous advantages, such as easy access and enhanced collaboration. However, despite these benefits, centralized storage can also become a prime target for cybercriminals. Ransomware poses a significant threat to business data, but thankfully, we can always rely on backups, right?  


In today’s IT infrastructure, backups play a crucial role in ensuring the survival of your data in the event of disasters. Backups are often taken lightly, typically stored on outdated, repurposed hardware with little regard for security or best practices for backups. 

This approach can lead to a situation where backups, often the last line of defense, can also become targets of modern ransomware attacks. 

It’s usually not until an actual attack occurs that people realize the importance of a properly configured backup. 

When looking for a solution to enhance the security of their data, individuals often encounter options that are either costly or difficult to deploy and maintain. 


To offer organizations a backup storage solution that’s easy to maintain and configure, StarWind provides a seamless integration of Veeam Hardened Repository. This integration makes your backup storage immutable, meaning once data is written, it cannot be altered for a pre-defined time. 

Thanks to StarWind VSAN and its integration of Veeam Hardened Repository, you can turn your repurposed hardware into a modern backup repository that safeguards your backups against ransomware. 

Furthermore, you can pair your backup with StarWind Virtual Tape Library (VTL) to offload your backups to the cloud using a different media type, which is naturally resistant to ransomware threats. 

For those seeking a hardware backup solution, both options are available as prebuilt solutions under a single support umbrella: the StarWind Backup Appliance and the StarWind VTL Appliance. 


StarWind Virtual SAN seamlessly integrates with Veeam Hardened Repository, providing a quick route to achieving backup repository immutability. This ensures that your backup data remains secure and resilient against ransomware attacks.