
Data Reduction: Dedup and Compression

July 14, 2024
Ivan Ischenko
StarWind Pre-Sales Team Lead. Ivan has a deep knowledge of virtualization, strong background in storage technologies, and solution architecture.
StarWind Pre-Sales Team Lead. Ivan has a deep knowledge of virtualization, strong background in storage technologies, and solution architecture.

In-line deduplication and compression maximize usable storage, reducing OpEx and increasing storage efficiency.


Data volumes in virtualized datacenters are growing exponentially, resulting in increased operational expenses (OpEx). To address constant data growth, businesses need efficient data storage solutions that offer advanced storage optimization capabilities. 


Modern IT infrastructures are burdened with rapidly growing data volumes, necessitating increased storage capacity. Scaling up or adding new storage arrays results in higher CapEx and OpEx. Additionally, the burgeoning production data size inflates backup infrastructure needs at an aggressive rate, necessitating businesses to store twice as much data on backup targets to adhere to the “3-2-1″ backup rule. 


StarWind Virtual SAN addresses these challenges by implementing in-line deduplication with an industry-standard 4 KB block size for optimal effectiveness and deduplication ratios. This deduplication is followed by optional compression of data blocks.  

Consequently, StarWind VSAN reduces storage costs while maintaining high performance. Additionally, when used as a backup repository, StarWind VSAN provides global deduplication, exceeding the limited deduplication capabilities within individual backup jobs.  


StarWind Virtual SAN maximizes usable storage space through deduplication and compression before data reaches the storage array. This enhances storage utilization efficiency and reduces the overall expenses of operating your storage infrastructure. 


Inspired by Ivan Ischenko’s success? Want to improve business continuity for your business-critical apps and services?
Dmytro Malynka StarWind Virtual SAN Product Manager
We’ve got you covered! StarWind Virtual SAN (VSAN) is specifically designed to provide highly-available shared storage for Hyper-V, vSphere, and KVM clusters. With StarWind VSAN, simplicity is key: utilize the local disks of your hypervisor hosts and create shared HA storage for your VMs. Interested in learning more? Book a short StarWind VSAN demo now and see it in action!