Webinar: Make your storage work for you: VAAI and ODX offload up to 30% of disk operations to the SAN

Published: April 15, 2015

Hypervisor CPU and Networking overhead is a common issue for operations like VM provisioning, migration, and cloning. There should be a way to enhance performance by offloading the unnecessary CPU load and shrinking the SAN traffic. ODX and VAAI features do exactly this by offloading routine disk tasks to the storage array so they will be executed more effectively.


Success Story: University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point Success Story

The University of Wisconsin Stevens Point Achieves High Data Availability and Optimizes IT Expenses with StarWind iSCSI SAN "We were amazed at how easy the setup process was. In no time we had two StarWind servers clustered together providing highly available storage. Downtime is now a thing of the past" - Rob Kobiske, Network & Server Administrator at UWSP


Success Story: Semel Institute Success Story

StarWind iSCSI SAN Frees Semel Institute from Failures and Downtime and Saves Its Budget "With StarWind, cost savings evolve in various forms, including hardware, space, energy, and administration efficiency." - Jason Liu, System Administrator at Semel Institute


Success Story: VoicePulse Success Story

StarWind cruises to the Voice-over-IP business to ensure the next generation of company's services "Since we implemented StarWind iSCSI SAN, we have found it easy to deploy, update, and maintain a service that is highly available from end to end. We know that we are protected against unexpected failures, and that StarWind support is there for us if any difficulties arise." - Neal Coffey, VoicePulse System Administrator


Success Story: Anchor Brewing Success Story

Anchor Brewing Implements StarWind as a Storage Solution for Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) "The stability has never been an issue, not even a single hiccup. This is a product I would highly recommend especially in the SMB market where budgets are always tighter and utilizing hardware for multiple purposes makes the management very happy." - Daniel Covell, IT Consultant of Anchor Brewing Company, Founder and President of The Covell Group LLC.
