White Paper: StarWind Backup Appliance (BA): White Paper

This document describes how exactly StarWind Backup Appliance totally eliminates the storage bottleneck by leveraging the power of NVMe, providing customers with a fast backup that functions at the same levels as the main IT infrastructure. The solution has a thoughtfully crafted hardware-software design that removes the need to plan backup windows and grants lightning-fast RTPO.


Success Story: Share IT Limited expands the range of its IT services thanks to enhancing a production environment with StarWind

Find out from this success story how StarWind enabled Share IT Limited, a British bespoke managed services provider (MSP), to expand the range of managed IT services by eliminating a single point of failure (SPOF) issue, creating a highly available (HA) storage cluster, and enhancing the production environment as a whole.


White Paper: StarWind Backup Appliance (BA): Datasheet

StarWind Backup Appliance (BA) is a robust all-NVMe-powered backup solution that fully removes the usual backup repository performance bottleneck and the need to plan for and fit into specific backup windows, providing near-instant RTPO. Learn from this datasheet the general information about StarWind BA features and benefits as well as its model lines and specifications.
