Webinar: Microsoft Azure & StarWind VSAN: break out of on-prem hardware jail

Published: June 27, 2018

Building cloud-based environments is a hot topic in IT these days. However, there still are companies that cannot migrate their workloads to the public cloud for some reasons. Here is where the hybrid cloud comes to the play. Learn from this video how to build such environment with Microsoft Azure and StarWind Virtual SAN.


Webinar: Achieve true HA with SQL Server AlwaysOn. Part I – FCIs

Published: June 5, 2018

Nowadays, database availability is a must-have for any business, be it big or small. And, you, a database admin, are to minimize the risk of data loss. That’s actually what SQL Server AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances approach may come in handy. Find out from this video how to achieve true high availability with this technology, its implementation best practices, and how the entire setup benefits from StarWind Virtual SAN deployment.


Webinar: Conventional Disaster Recovery options for virtualized IT environments running on Microsoft Windows Server 2016

Published: May 7, 2018

Being an IT department manager or a system admin, you know that there’re no IT environments immune to disasters or mistakes. Still, there’s a way to keep your production running when problems knock in. Learn from this video about such conventional DR site options as Storage Replica, Veeam Replica, and Hyper-V Replica.


Webinar: Why building VMware vSphere and Hyper-V stretched clusters?

Published: April 13, 2018

Any storage admin knows that any IT environment once being scaled grows its compute power, storage capacity, and… efforts required for its management. Fortunately, there’s a way to make your IT life easier. Learn from this video more about how building Hyper-V or vSphere stretched clusters comes in handy.


Webinar: Configure system to achieve the highest NVMe performance

Published: April 4, 2018

You know for sure that I/O either makes or breaks the system. Absolutely, you want to squeeze the highest possible performance out of what you’ve already paid for. This includes, of course, your brand new shiny NVMe flash drives! Learn from this video about what you should do to NOT to leave the money on the table and achieve the highest possible ROI.
