The Best Hyperconverged
for Enterprise ROBO,
SMB & Edge

StarWind Command Center:
Quick Start Guide


StarWind Command Center is designed to deliver true single-pane-of-glass monitoring and management for StarWind HyperConverged Appliances on Hyper-V. It combines both monitoring and management functionality to not only check Hyper-V cluster and nodes’ health state as well as performance metrics from convenient dashboards but also administrate the entire StarWind HCA Hyper-V environment starting from nodes and networks and up to VM management.

Getting started with StarWind Command Center

Logging into the Command Center

1. To log into StarWind Command Center, enter https://*Command Center IP address* in a web browser. Please use credentials that were configured during the installation.

StarWind Command Center

Main Menu Options

This part provides a detailed description of StarWind Command Center monitoring and management capabilities.


The DASHBOARD item provides a set of widgets that allow monitoring of virtualized infrastructure.

StarWind Command Center

DASHBOARD consists of the following widgets:


1. Cluster Summary – delivers the general information about the cluster (including the cluster name and IP address), hypervisor, operating system, StarWind Stack version, SDS Stack version, and backup software.

2. Workload Summary – delivers the general cluster workload information, including the average queue depth, read/write ratio, IOPS (workload intensity measured in percentile), peak disk throughput, average IO size, and average IO latency.

3. VM(s) State – delivers the overall information on the state of the clustered VMs, including on, off, paused, and saved ones.

4. Node(s) State – delivers the overall information on the state of the clustered nodes, including up, down, and paused ones.

5. Virtual Volume(s) Availability – delivers the overall information on the state of virtual volumes, including those that are of high availability (StarWind HA volumes that are synchronized and available on both nodes), limited availability (StarWind HA volumes that are synchronized and available currently only from one node) and ones that are not available (offline StarWind volumes) and simple (StarWind volumes that are not replicated).

6. Resource usage – delivers information on usage of CPU, Memory, Storage, and Backup Repository.

7. Performance – delivers the information in the form of graphs about IOPS, Disk Throughput, and Cluster-Wide Controller Latency. These metrics can be checked live, for last hour, last day, last week, last month, or last year.

8. Tasks and events – delivers the information on tasks and events in StarWind Command Center.


The VMs and ROLES item contains VIRTUAL MACHINES and ROLES sections.

The VIRTUAL MACHINES item consists of View and Manage tabs.


The View tab consists of the following widgets:
1. VM(s) Summary – provides information on a number of VMs, their state, and availability.

StarWind Command Center

2. Resources Usage – provides information on CPU, memory, and storage utilization.

StarWind Command Center

3. Performance – provides information on the CPU usage, memory usage, IOPS, and IO latency as per the selected VM in the form of graphs.

StarWind Command Center

4. Tasks and Events (VMs) – provides information on the running and executed tasks and events related to VM operation.

StarWind Command Center


This option delivers the ability to perform various operations with VMs such as creating new VMs, editing the settings of the existing VMs, removing VMs, cloning VMs, migrating VMs, opening VM console, migrating VMs from external Hyper-V host, backup jobs of the VM

StarWind Command Center

Creating a new VM

1. To create a new VM, click the Add icon

StarWind Command Center

2. Specify the required name, number of vCPUs, amount of RAM, disk size, assign a network adapter, installation media, boot order, and VM files location.

3. To add a new or existing disk or a network adapter to a VM, click the Add device button and select the required option.

StarWind Command Center

4. Click Create to create a new VM.

Performing power management operations on a VM

1. To perform power management operations with a VM, select the required VM, and click the Power button.

2. In the drop-down list, select the required option: Shutdown, Restart, Pause, Resume, Start, Save, Turn Off, or Reset.

StarWind Command Center

Performing VM migration

1. To perform migration operations with a VM, select the required VM, and expand the Migrate drop-down list.

2. In the drop-down list, select the required action: Live Migration or Quick Migration.

StarWind Command Center

Accessing the VM console

1. To access the VM console, select the required VM, and click the Console button.

StarWind Command Center

Modify the existing VM settings

1. To modify the existing VM settings, select the required VM, and click the Edit icon.

StarWind Command Center

2. Specify the required settings and click Save.

StarWind Command Center

Deleting a VM

1. To delete an existing VM, select the required VM, shut it down, and click the Delete icon.

StarWind Command Center

NOTE: StarWind Command Center does not allow deleting running VMs.

Cloning a VM

1. To clone a VM, select the required instance, shut it down, and click the Clone icon.

StarWind Command Center

NOTE: StarWind Command Center does not allow cloning running VMs.

2. Specify the clone VM name if needed, select the destination node and a virtual volume that will store disks and configuration files of a cloned VM. Click Confirm.

StarWind Command Center

Migrate VM from the Hyper-V host out of the cluster

1. Press the Import (migrate) icon to migrate VM from external Hyper-V host.

StarWind Command Center

2. Enter IP address and user credentials to connect to the Hyper-V host out of the cluster and press Connect.

StarWind Command Center

3. Specify migration properties and press Validate.

StarWind Command Center

NOTE: Quick migration involves downtime for VMs and workloads running in them. To perform the Quick Migration, please shut down the VM and merge all its active checkpoints.

4. To perform the Live Migration, the following conditions must be met:

  • Hyper-V hosts (or the existing Hyper-V host and target Failover Cluster) have the same CPU generation or the VMs have processor compatibility enabled. Double-check the “Migration to a physical computer with a different process version” feature to be enabled. Please note that enabling this feature requires VM downtime.
  • Failover Cluster has sufficient CPU, RAM, and storage resources for VMs.
  • VMs are connected to virtual switches with the same name and the Protected Network setting is enabled.
  • VMs have no checkpoints to merge.
  • The amount of time it takes to migrate a virtual machine to a target cluster depends on the amount of RAM, storage resources set in the virtual machine, and the connection speed to the storage and network bandwidth between the Hyper-V host and the target Failover Cluster.

5. Review the migration properties and confirm the selected VMs to have backups. Make sure that none of the selected VMs contain the Active Directory role installed. Press Migrate.

StarWind Command Center

Check backup jobs of the VM

1. Press the icon of the Backup jobs to check the backup jobs for a selected VM or role.

StarWind Command Center

2. Include the VM to a backup job by ticking the corresponding checkbox or removing it from the job by unchecking the checkbox. Press Next.
3. Review the backup plan changes and press Apply to save them.

StarWind Command Center

ROLES section consists of one tab with a cluster roles list.

To perform operations on a cluster role, select the required role and press the icon with the required action: start, stop, rename, move, or manage resources.

Starting a cluster role

1. Select a role from the cluster role list and press Start.

StarWind Command Center

Stopping a cluster role

1. Select a role from the cluster role list and press Stop.

StarWind Command Center

Renaming a cluster role

1. Select a cluster role from the cluster role list and press Rename.

StarWind Command Center

Moving a cluster role

1. Select a role in the cluster role list and press Move.

StarWind Command Center

Manage resource action allows bringing a resource online, offline, or simulating its failure.

Bringing a cluster role resource online

1. Select a cluster role and press Manage resource.
2. Select a required resource from the drop-down list and press Bring online.

StarWind Command Center

Taking a cluster role resource offline

1. Select a cluster role and press Manage resource.
2. Select a resource and press Take offline.

StarWind Command Center

Simulating a cluster role resource failure

1. Select a cluster role and press Manage resource.
2. Select a resource from the drop-down list press Simulate failure.


The STORAGE item provides View and Manage tabs.


This tab consists of the following widgets.

1. Virtual Volume(s) Availability – provides information on the availability of the virtual volumes.

StarWind Command Center

2. Storage Summary – provides information on storage availability and available capacity.

StarWind Command Center

3. Performance – provides information on the following metrics: IOPS, Disk Throughput, and Cluster-Wide Controller Latency.

StarWind Command Center

4. Tasks and Events (Storage) – provides information on the running and finished tasks and events related to virtual volumes.

StarWind Command Center


Manage tab delivers the ability to create new virtual volumes, remove them, or modify the settings of the existing ones.

StarWind Command Center

Creating a new virtual volume

1. To create a new volume, click the Add icon.

StarWind Command Center

2. Specify the disk name, size in GB, and replication factor.

StarWind Command Center

Availability can be set to the following values:

SimpleStarWind virtual volume which is not replicated

Two-Way mirror – 2-way replicated StarWind HA virtual volume

Three-Way mirror – 3-way replicated StarWind HA virtual volume

NOTE: The availability of the options depends on the number of StarWind nodes.

3. If required, enable the RAM cache under the Advanced settings section, specify the size in MB and cache type, and click Create.

StarWind Command Center

Deleting a virtual volume

1. To remove the existing virtual volume, select the required volume and click the Deletion icon.

StarWind Command Center

Modifying the virtual volume settings

1. Select a virtual volume and press Edit.

StarWind Command Center

2. Specify the required settings and click Save.

StarWind Command Center

Performing maintenance on a virtual volume

1. Select a virtual volume and press Maintenance.

2. In the drop-down list, select the required option: Bring Online, Take Offline, Move, Turn on Maintenance Mode, and Turn off Maintenance Mode.

StarWind Command Center


The NETWORK item provides 3 additional tabs:

Virtual Switches – delivers information about virtual switches.

StarWind Command Center

Cluster Networks – delivers information about the networks used and their roles in the cluster.

StarWind Command Center

Network Adapters – provides information about the network adapters.

StarWind Command Center


The NODES item provides View and Manage tabs.


This tab consists of the following widgets:

1. Node(s) Summary – provides information on the overall state of the nodes and their health status.

StarWind Command Center

2. VM(s) Distribution Summary – provides information on the VM distribution across cluster nodes.

StarWind Command Center

3. Resource Usage – provides information on CPU, memory, and storage utilization.

StarWind Command Center

4. Performance – provides information on CPU and memory usage, IOPS, disk throughput, and disk IO latency of the selected nodes.

StarWind Command Center

5. Tasks and Events (Nodes) – provides information on the running and finished tasks and events on the cluster nodes.

StarWind Command Center


Manage tab delivers the ability to remove the existing nodes and perform maintenance and power management.

StarWind Command Center

Accessing the node console

To open the node console, select the required node and click the Remote Access button.

StarWind Command Center

Performing maintenance operations on the nodes

1. To perform the maintenance operations on the nodes, select the required node and click the Maintenance button.

StarWind Command Center

2. From the drop-down list, select the required operation: Pause, Resume, Start Cluster Service, or Stop Cluster Service.

Performing power management operations on the nodes

1. To perform power management operation on a node, select the required one and navigate to the Power tab.

StarWind Command Center

2. From the drop-down list, select the required action: Restart, Shutdown, Power On, Power Off, or Reset.

NOTE: To activate Power on, Power off, and Reset options, click the gear icon, navigate to the NODES tab and configure physical management settings there.


The Backup item provides View and Backup Jobs tabs.

The View tab consists of the following widgets:

1. Backup Summary – provides information about the status of backup jobs.

StarWind Command Center
2. Backup Infrastructure Health Status – provides information about the health status of backup server(s) and repositories.

StarWind Command Center

The Backup Jobs tab consists of the list with backup jobs.

It is possible to perform one of the following actions: start, stop, active full(to start full backup), manage schedule.

Starting a backup job

1. Select a backup job and press Start.

StarWind Command Center

Stopping a backup job

1. Select a backup job and press Stop.

StarWind Command Center
2. Press Confirm.

StarWind Command Center

Forcing a full backup job

1. Select a backup job and press Active full.

StarWind Command Center
2. Press Confirm.

StarWind Command Center

Managing schedule for a backup job

1. Select a backup job and press Manage schedule.

StarWind Command Center


This item delivers information on the tasks and events running in StarWind Command Center.


The Tasks tab provides information on tasks performed in StarWind Command Center. The Tasks tab displays the task name, Command Center entity type where this task has been performed, entity name, owner of the task, its status, and timestamp.

StarWind Command Center


The Events tab contains information on the events that occurred in StarWind Command Center. The Events tab displays the event severity level, event source, time of the event, its description, entity type where the event has occurred, entity name, number of occurrences, and the current event status.

1. To check the events in the StarWind Command Center, navigate to the Events tab.

StarWind Command Center

2. To mark the recent event as Acknowledged or Resolved, select the event and select the required option.

General Configuration

Modifying Cluster Settings

To modify the cluster settings, click the gear icon in the top right corner of the StarWind Command Center interface.

StarWind Command Center

Modifying General Settings

To modify the general StarWind Command Center settings such as IP address, gateway, DNS Server IP address, security settings, time zone, and appearance, click Edit in the General tab.

StarWind Command Center

StarWind Command Center

Modifying the Cluster Network Settings

To modify the cluster network settings, navigate to the Cluster tab, expand Cluster IP address, and click Edit.

StarWind Command Center

Modifying the Cluster Node Settings

1. To modify the node network settings, navigate to the Nodes tab and expand the Cluster node IP.

StarWind Command Centre

2. To allow physical node management via IDRAC or ILO, press Enable physical management, specify the required credentials, and click Save.

StarWind Command Center

Modifying the Storage Node Settings

1. To manage the storage node settings, navigate to the Storage tab, expand the required node, and press Edit.

StarWind Command Center

2. Modify the required settings and press Save.

StarWind Command Center

Adding a New Storage Node

1. To add a new storage node, press the + Add Node button in the Storage tab.

StarWind Command Center

2. Specify the Storage node IP, Port, Login, and Password of the new storage node.

StarWind Command Centre

3. Select the network interfaces for synchronization, heartbeat, and iSCSI.

StarWind Command Centre


NOTE: The network interfaces used for iSCSI and synchronization come already preconfigured in StarWind HyperConverged Appliance and should not be modified. Same IP addresses cannot be used for different purposes.

NOTE: StarWind Virtual SAN requires dedicated physical channels for iSCSI and synchronization. A redundant heartbeat channel can go over the management link. See StarWind VSAN system requirements for more details here:

Adding backup server

1. To add a backup server, press the + Add the Backup Server in the Backup tab.

StarWind Command Center

2. Specify the Backup server IP, Domain, Login, Password, and press Save.

StarWind Command Center

Modifying the Backup Server Settings

1. To manage the backup server settings, navigate to the Backup tab, expand the required server, and press Edit.

StarWind Command Center

2. Modify the required settings and press Save.

StarWind Command Center

Services and logs collection

1. To provide StarWind Support Team with information on the issues with the virtualized environment, click Download support bundle.

StarWind Command Center

2. Select the logs to provide StarWind Support Team with and click Download.

StarWind Command Center

Configuring Image Library

Adding an image file

1. To add an image file, navigate to the Image Library tab and click the Add icon.

StarWind Command Center

2. Specify the required name, placement, and image source and click Add.

StarWind Command Center

Editing image file settings

1. To edit the existing image file settings, select the required image file and click the Edit icon.

StarWind Command Center

2. Specify the new name if required, add a description and click Save.

StarWind Command Center

Rescanning image files

1. To rescan the image files, click the Rescan icon.

StarWind Command Center

2. Select the required virtual volume and click Scan.

StarWind Command Center

Deleting an image file

1. To delete the existing image file, select the required one and click the Delete icon.

StarWind Command Center

2. Click Confirm.

StarWind Command Center

Configuring Users and Groups

Importing Users and Groups from AD DS (Active Directory Domain Services)

NOTE: Users and Groups can be imported from different domains.

1. Press the Import icon.

StarWind Command Center

2. Specify domain account information (domain username and password) to connect to the domain and press Next.

StarWind Command Center

3. Assign access roles to selected domain users or groups and press Next.

StarWind Command Center

4. Review the selected settings and press Import.

StarWind Command Center

Managing role assignment

1. Press the Manage icon.

StarWind Command Center

2. Specify the selected settings and press Confirm.

StarWind Command Center

Deleting Users and Groups

1. Press the Delete icon.

StarWind Command Center

2. Press Confirm.

StarWind Command Center

Implementing software updates of StarWind Command Center

1. Press the Check for update(s).

StarWind Command Center

2. Press the Install update(s) to install the available updates.

StarWind Command Center

Hey! Don’t want to tinker with configuring all the settings? Looking for a fast-track to VSAN deployment?
Dmytro Malynka
Dmytro Malynka StarWind Virtual SAN Product Manager
We've got you covered! First off, all trial and commercial StarWind customers are eligible for installation and configuration assistance services. StarWind engineers will help you spin up the PoC setup to properly evaluate the solution and will assist with the production deployment after the purchase. Secondly, once deployed, StarWind VSAN is exceptionally easy to use and maintain. Hard to believe? Wait no more and book a StarWind VSAN demo now to see it in action!