
StarWind Virtual SAN: Feature Configuration Guide for Gentle Shutdown with APC PowerChute


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StarWind Virtual SAN (VSAN)


The purpose of this integration is to provide a reliable solution for managing unexpected power outages and planned hardware maintenance. By using PowerChute, users can ensure a gentle shutdown of VMs and hosts, effectively placing StarWind devices into maintenance mode to safeguard data and minimize synchronization times post-power outage.


The guide is aimed at system administrators, IT professionals, and data center managers who use StarWind Virtual SAN® and protect their servers with APC Smart-UPS.

Expected Result

After successful integration, PowerChute should enable the efficient and safe shutdown of VMs and hosts in case of power outages, with StarWind devices smoothly transitioning into maintenance mode. This setup aims to prevent potential issues with setup and reduce the time needed for StarWind devices synchronization after power is restored.


Introduction to PowerChute

PowerChute is a cross-platform application for managing APC Smart-UPS allowing users to manage UPS and prevent the unexpected power outage or plan the hardware maintenance when needed.
The combination of the PowerChute Network software and StarWind Maintenance Script allows users to gently turn off VMs and hosts, put the StarWind devices into maintenance mode and prevent the impact of an unexpected blackout. Users can save their data and avoid long synchronization.
NOTE: It’s recommended to install PowerChute on a dedicated machine (or server) that has its own UPS.

Disclaimer: StarWind Support does not write scripts on demand. Custom script troubleshooting is not supported.

Selecting the Environment

Please select the required option:

Installing PowerChute for Hyper-V

Installing PowerChute Network
1. Launch the downloaded setup file on the server to install PowerChute Network. The Setup wizard will appear. Read and accept the License Agreement.

2. PowerChute Network requires a Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Choose the Use the private JRE bundled with PowerChute option.

3. Select the Enable SNMP Support checkbox to manage the PowerChute from a different console.
4. Select Do not enable VMware Support. 
5. Select Browse to modify the installation path if necessary. Otherwise, save the path offered by default.
6. Click Install to continue.
7. Click Finish to close the wizard.
Configuring PowerChute Network
1. On the Welcome page, read the information and click Next.
2. In Network Configuration, select the appropriate network configuration.
3. Specify the required connection scenario.

4. On the Security step, specify the Network Management Card credentials of APC Smart UPS.
9. Verify the information and click Apply to finish the configuration.
Applying StarWind Maintenance Script
StarWind has designed the script which allows users to gently turn off VMs and hosts, put the StarWind devices into Maintenance mode to prevent the data loss and long synchronization process.
1. Navigate to Configure Events and click on UPS on Battery command file.
2. Enable the command file checkbox for the UPC on Battery event (local or network path can be selected).
3. Select the following script file:

NOTE: VMs or Nodes might be needed to install some Windows updates, so it is highly recommended to set them up in the PowerChute console before running this script itself.
Allow PowerShell remote session on both hosts to use this script. Setup power-off configuration in PowerChute console for all the VMs, then run the following script from PowerChute console (apply the Maintenance mode on StarWind devices).

Installing PowerChute for VMware

Installing PowerChute Network
1. Launch the downloaded setup file on the server to install PowerChute Network. The Setup wizard will appear. Read and accept the License Agreement.

2. PowerChute Network requires a Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Choose the Use the private JRE bundled with PowerChute option.

3. Select the Enable SNMP Support checkbox to manage the PowerChute from a different console.
4. If VMware is used in the environment, select Enable VMware Support.

5. Select Browse to modify the installation path if necessary. Otherwise, save the path offered by default.

6. Click Install to continue.
7. Click Finish to close the wizard.
Configuring PowerChute Network
1. On the Welcome page, read the information and click Next.
2. In Network Configuration, select the appropriate network configuration: IPv4 or IPv6.
3. Specify the required connection scenario.

4. In VMware Configuration, specify the connection method to the environment: Standalone VMware Host for single host or Host managed by vCenter Server for vCenter.
5. Specify the IP address and credentials of the vCenter.

NOTE: Select the vCenter Server running on a VM option if vCenter is running on the VM inside the ESXi host.
6. Select the hosts powered by the UPS(s).

7. Specify the Virtualization Settings.

8.  On the Security step, Specify the Network Management Card credentials of APC Smart UPS.
9. Verify the information and click Apply to finish the configuration.
Applying StarWind Maintenance Script
StarWind has designed the script which allows users to gently turn off VMs and hosts, put the StarWind devices into Maintenance mode to prevent the data loss and long synchronization process.
1. Navigate to Configure Events and click on UPS on Battery command file.

2. Enable the command file checkbox for the UPC on Battery event (local or network path can be selected).
Select the following script file:


NOTE: Install Power-CLI to use this script: Log in to StarWind VM and install vSphere PowerCLI on each StarWind virtual machine by adding the PowerShell module (Internet connectivity is required). To do so, run the following command in PowerShell:



Exit StarWind Maintenance Mode

To turn off the StarWind Maintenance Mode, put the following script directly to C:\ and name it as SW_Maintenance_Off.ps1.



The integration of PowerChute offers a robust solution for managing power supply issues in virtualized environments. This setup is essential for the scenarios where power interruptions are a concern. By following the instructions for installing and configuring PowerChute, users can enhance the resilience and reliability of their IT infrastructure against unexpected power disruptions.

Hey! Don’t want to tinker with configuring all the settings? Looking for a fast-track to VSAN deployment?
Dmytro Malynka
Dmytro Malynka StarWind Virtual SAN Product Manager
We've got you covered! First off, all trial and commercial StarWind customers are eligible for installation and configuration assistance services. StarWind engineers will help you spin up the PoC setup to properly evaluate the solution and will assist with the production deployment after the purchase. Secondly, once deployed, StarWind VSAN is exceptionally easy to use and maintain. Hard to believe? Wait no more and book a StarWind VSAN demo now to see it in action!