
Symmetry Software ensures business continuity by securely moving backups to the cloud with StarWind Virtual Tape Library (VTL)

September 19, 2023
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Tracie Kline
System Administrator. Skilled in Active Directory and system administration, with experience in defense solutions, hybrid cloud engineering, and system administration roles across various industries.
System Administrator. Skilled in Active Directory and system administration, with experience in defense solutions, hybrid cloud engineering, and system administration roles across various industries.


Prior to the deployment of StarWind Virtual Tape Library (VTL), Symmetry Software operated with a relatively small IT infrastructure. It primarily relied on a handful of onsite servers and Microsoft 365 for its business operations. The absence of an effective offsite backup strategy was a major concern. This issue hindered the company’s ability to safeguard critical data in the event of a disaster or data loss.

Symmetry Software urgently needed a solution to enable offsite backups.

Support for StarWind VTL is great! Even though it did take several days to resolve the issue they worked on the problem every day until it was resolved. StarWind allowed us to use our Backblaze account and keep all our backups in the same location.

Tracie Kline, System Administrator


With StarWind VTL, Symmetry Software managed to convert its backup strategy into more efficient without purchasing customized hardware. StarWind provided the company with the possibility to move all its backups to one cloud location, systematizing data and using the same Backblaze storage account. The company’s offsite backup capabilities have been vastly improved, ensuring the safety and availability of its critical data.

The work of StarWind Support Team impressed the company’s executives significantly because it allowed Symmetry Software to expand its current backup solution on the whole IT infrastructure without even changing it.

Inspired by Tracie Kline’s success? Want to improve business continuity for your business-critical apps and services?
Orest Lesyuk StarWind VTL Product Manager
We can assist you with that! StarWind VTL is an easy-to-use solution that emulates tape libraries, providing Write-Once-Read-Many (WORM) storage for your backups. Moreover, the Cloud Replication feature in StarWind VTL enables the scheduled offloading of your backups to the cloud, including Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, Cloudian, Backblaze B2, Wasabi, and other S3-compatible cloud storage options. As a result, you can effortlessly implement the '3-2-1' backup rule for your backup infrastructure, safeguarding your data against ransomware and similar threats. Interested in learning more Book a short StarWind VTL demo now and see it in action!