The Best Hyperconverged
for Enterprise ROBO,
SMB & Edge
The Best Virtual SAN
for Enterprise ROBO, SMB & Edge

Virtual machine storage

August 05, 2024
Alex Bykovskyi
StarWind VHCA Product Manager. Alex has more than 10 years of IT experience working with networking and storage. He has vast experience in Windows and Linux technologies and a deep knowledge in virtualization and system architecture.
StarWind VHCA Product Manager. Alex has more than 10 years of IT experience working with networking and storage. He has vast experience in Windows and Linux technologies and a deep knowledge in virtualization and system architecture.


Modern physical servers, equipped with powerful hardware and hypervisors, can run a significant number of virtual machines (VMs), maximizing the IT infrastructure efficiency and resource utilization.



The failure of a single physical server can bring down all virtual servers operating on it, resulting in substantial application downtime. This scenario is unacceptable for businesses, necessitating a mechanism to ensure virtual machines (VMs) can withstand physical server failures or hardware maintenance without downtime.


Creating a cluster with multiple servers and shared storage is the solution to avoid both planned and unplanned downtime. Highly available shared storage, connectable to multiple hosts, allows VMs to migrate between physical hosts for maintenance or to fail over in the event of host failure. While physical SAN is one solution, it is expensive and comes with its own challenges. StarWind VSAN addresses the issues of owning a physical SAN by enabling the use of local storage to create a highly available storage pool. This pool can be used as shared storage to create a hyperconverged cluster, serving as a cost-effective alternative to a physical SAN.


StarWind VSAN offers an affordable means to provide high-performance shared storage for hypervisors, minimizing both planned and unplanned downtime. It reduces the need for numerous hardware components in building highly available hyperconverged clusters by utilizing the local storage of the hosts. StarWind VSAN decreases both capital expenditures (CAPEX), by reducing the amount of hardware required, and operational expenses (OPEX), through additional services provided by StarWind Support.

Hey! Looking to deploy a new, easy-to-manage, and cost-effective hyperconverged infrastructure?
Alex Bykovskyi
Alex BykovskyiStarWind Virtual HCI Appliance Product Manager
Well, we can help you with this one! Building a new hyperconverged environment is a breeze with StarWind Virtual HCI Appliance (VHCA). It’s a complete hyperconverged infrastructure solution that combines hypervisor (vSphere, Hyper-V, Proxmox, or our custom version of KVM), software-defined storage (StarWind VSAN), and streamlined management tools. Interested in diving deeper into VHCA’s capabilities and features? Book your StarWind Virtual HCI Appliance demo today!