
StarWind running as VSA (Virtual Storage Appliance)

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StarWind’s software solutions have been designed to run as if native in Linux-based IT environments. With this in mind, customers can choose for StarWind-native software to be deployed as a Linux VM on top of their designated industry-standard hypervisor (either VMware ESXi or Microsoft Hyper-V). Such an option brings a plethora of benefits to IT infrastructure and businesses of any size, from Enterprise to Edge.


Increased Cost-Efficiency

Customers are relieved of the need to incur unwanted expenditure on operating system (OS) licenses. The only license you need is for the SDS stack and you’re fully set for success.

Total Vendor Control

StarWind has all-encompassing control of its solutions, including the entirety of the OS stack, thanks to using open-source Linux OS. StarWind can apply changes or patches in no time without any vendor lock-in.

Continuous Development

Thanks to being open-source, Linux is the most rapidly developing OS that continuously sees new technologies and features. As a result, StarWind develops along with it, offering novel benefits to your infrastructure.

User-Focused Experience

The solution comes as a ready-to-go VM, which prompts its total ease of integration into any existing infrastructure configuration. Deploying a two-node cluster literally takes a few clicks.

Zero Hardware Restrictions

StarWind has no hardware compatibility list (HCL) policies. Your server just has to meet your designated hypervisor’s HCL and the StarWind VM will easily and effectively run on top of it.


Running as VSA (Virtual Storage Appliance), StarWind offers an unlimited set of technological, financial, and sustainable benefits for IT infrastructure of any size and budget. We have combined all the attractiveness that Linux OS possesses and the advantages it provides with user-friendly integration and StarWind’s staple synchronous replication, resulting in a complete, lightweight SDS solution fitted to satisfy any customer constraints.

Hey! Looking to deploy a new, easy-to-manage, and cost-effective hyperconverged infrastructure?
Alex Bykovskyi
Alex BykovskyiStarWind Virtual HCI Appliance Product Manager
Well, we can help you with this one! Building a new hyperconverged environment is a breeze with StarWind Virtual HCI Appliance (VHCA). It’s a complete hyperconverged infrastructure solution that combines hypervisor (vSphere, Hyper-V, Proxmox, or our custom version of KVM), software-defined storage (StarWind VSAN), and streamlined management tools. Interested in diving deeper into VHCA’s capabilities and features? Book your StarWind Virtual HCI Appliance demo today!